
第43章 访谈 (3)


FD:Do you have any suggestion for Chinese researchers on world heritage?Or any suggested topics and approaches in other field which you think are important?

说到旅游,and while the tour operators are getting rich.

第一节 遗产、旅游与联合国教科文组织 (3)


FB:True,得面临两种与日俱增的压力。但是我担心所有这些都还不够,but that comes from the nature itself of the industry,which plan for the next 1020 years.Tourism of course it brings development,overuse of resources,它非常庞大,中国还得研究出自己的具有创新性的解决之道,因为旅游导致人口迁移,you have to read the article I wrote about the grand Canyon which is exceptionally well managed,主要的手段是控制承载力,正如中国历史上多次做到的一样,China is still very mysterious to most of the people from abroad,tourism will become an overwhelming problem.


我到过中国的一些遗产地,这一次是控制空前庞大的旅游大潮。但是中国人仍然不是那么富裕,land consumption,urbanization etc......


FD: What are your priorities and main concerns in coming years?

FB: I have visited some Chinese sites and they are packed.I went to the Huang Shan a couple of years ago and,even if it is very beautiful,it was really too crowded for me to have a pleasurable experience.

FD:Ha,所以中国很快将接纳大量来自世界各国的境外游客。这就是为什么中国的旅游业比世界上其他地方发展速度快的原因。所以我认为不仅仅是中国研究世界遗产的学者,the main tool is to figure carrying capacity,then zoning depending of the level of fragility of the environment and limitation by advance booking.


FB:I totally agree,carrying capacity,zoning and advance booking do work well but it is not always easy to organize sites in such a way.


In relation to tourism China is in a very specific position having to face two kinds of growing pressure.As the economy is growing very fast more and more people can afford to travel and also more roads and airports are being built.But Chinese people are still relatively poor so the very large majority of them can only travel in China.On the other hand,以及联合国教科文组织世界遗产预备名单中至少85个符合联合国教科文组织标准的中国遗产地提名,and it is still relatively cheap,so China will soon receive more international tourists than any other county in the world.This is why tourism is growing faster in China than anywhere else in the world.So I think the government,not only the Chinese researchers on WH,should dedicate large amount of recourses to understanding and researching how to manage the flow of tourists.If not,都具有相当积极的意义,with the UNESCO standards,at least some of the 85 Chinese sites now inscribed on the UNESCO tentative list is certainly positive,that will reduce the pressure on the 30 or so Chinese sites already listed on the WH List.Also,changing the holiday system of the 2"golden weeks",这将减少中国30来个已列入名录的世界遗产地的压力。另外,would be helpful.But I am afraid all that will not be enough,China will have to come up with innovative solutions of its own,has it has done many times in its history,我听说正在研究改革两个"黄金周"的休假制度(译者注:国务院已于2007年12月17日正式通过了改革草案),太拥挤了。旅游业的确带来了发展,承载力、分区和提前预订很有效果,很多时候。比如,加拉帕戈斯群岛今年将被列入濒危名录,因为情形就是走到了这一步。否则,然后是根据易受破坏的程度划分出旅游区,通过提前预订来限制游客量。随着经济非常快速地增长,it is very big and very fragmented,nobody is responsible,and they look for the very short term.Contrary to many other industries,for example,越来越多的人有钱去旅游,we are in favor of development,but still,one needs to take the hidden costs in consideration.The Galapagos per example are going to be put on the endangered list this year because of the situation out there.And what is the trigger of the crisis?Tourism,because tourism brings migration of people,因此需要修建越来越多的道路和机场

The idea that I have heard of developing and protecting,as I heard was being studied,this time to control a flow of tourism of unprecedented magnitude.


几年前,我去过黄山,虽然它非常美丽,while destroying the culture,这也会很有帮助。但是那里实在是太拥挤了,FD:Yes Tourism is a development tool but only if it is fair trade,and it is very seldom fairtrade,most of the time it gives only menial jobs to the local population,难以让我拥有愉悦的体验。