
第11章 下一站幸福 (10)

By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little uneasy. About a block away, I pulled over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Was I jaundiced? Was everything all right? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little queasy. Did I have a bad liver? Had I picked up some rare disease?

The next time I went into that gas station, feeling fine again, I figured out what had happened. The place had recently been painted a bright, bilious yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis! I wondered how many other folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total stranger change my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a profound effect on the way I felt and acted.

The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation, a word of optimism and hope. One of the things I am most thankful for is the fact that I have grown up in a nation with a grand tradition of optimism. When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished. When the world is seen as a hopeful, positive place, people are empowered to attempt and to achieve.

Optimism doesn’t need to be naive. We can be an optimist and still recognize that problems exist and that some of them are not dealt with easily. But what a difference optimism makes in the attitude of the problem solver! Optimism diverts our attention away from negativism and channels it into positive, constructive thinking. When you’re an optimist, you’re more concerned with problem-solving than with useless carping about issues. In fact, without optimism, issues as big and ongoing as poverty have no hope of solution. It takes a dreamer—someone with hopelessly optimistic ideas, great persistence, and unlimited confidence—to tackle a problem that big. It’s your choice.









乐观并不需要变得幼稚,我们可以在成为乐观者的同时,仍意识到有问题存在,有些甚至难以解决。但是,乐观使解决问题的态度有所不同!乐观会使我们把注意力从消极转到积极的、建设性的思考上。如果你是一个乐观者,会更关心问题的解决,而不是毫无价值地怨天尤人。事实上,如果没有乐观主义精神,一些现存的巨大问题,如贫穷,就毫无希望解决。它需要一个梦想家—— 一个拥有绝对乐观、矢志不渝、坚定信念的人——来解决这个巨大的问题。乐观,或是悲观,在于你的选择。


1. There is enough good and_______ in everyone’s life —ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient_______ and pain —to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can_______to laugh or cry, bless or curse. It’s our_______ : From which perspective do we want to view life? Will we look up in _______or down in despair?

2. Years _______, I drove into a service station to get some_______. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great. As I walked into the station to pay the gas, the attendant said to me,“How do you feel?”That seemed like an odd _______, but I felt fine and told him so.


1. 乐观和成功之间似乎有一种天然的因果关系。

2. 我喜欢展望未来。

3. 当一切尘埃落定,我发现生命中的美好远多于丑恶。


1. If you expect something to turn out badly, it probably will.

turn out:结果是;证明是;关掉;驱逐;制造;生产

2. But the same principle also works in reverse.

in reverse:相反;向相反方向;倒(退);逆(行、转等)


Time for Sunshine

佚名 / Anonymous

Having spring around makes you feel different after such a long winter journey. How well do you feel when you have a little bit of sunshine in your life? What effect does it have on our psyche? The power of sunshine brings us a lot of comfort, optimism, self-confidence and of course a smile. Imagine how great it would be if we were so positive all year round!