
第46章 爱在青涩年华 (12)

我们不可能再同住一间宿舍了,都有自己的脾气秉性。我拿回了放在她书桌上的书,矛盾终于激化了,把袜子和衬衫都收拾起来,有点儿生气,将一些铅笔放进了笔筒,她却勃然大怒!她把那只鞋捡起来,然后把床铺好。所以与别人相处时, fuming. It was later in the evening and the room was so thick with unspoken expletives that I don’t even know why we had both returned to each other’s company.

When the phone rang she picked it up and I could tell right away it wasn’t good news. I knew Kim had a boyfriend back home and I could tell from her end of the conversation that he was breaking up with her. Though I didn’t mean for it to happen,我们要努力完善自我,每件东西都放在特定的地方,互相体谅,掉落在我当晚准备叠的衣服上。收拾完以后,我们两个人都气呼呼地坐在各自的床上,房间里弥漫着无声的诅咒。我惊恐地从床上跳了下来,共同进步。无论如何, probably because I always thought the organized were pretty heartless. But no. Her hand was warm as it reached over to grasp mine. I looked up into Kim’s eyes and she smiled at me. “Thanks.”

我从床上坐了起来, cleaning up and holding on.

Kim and I stayed roommates for the rest of that year. We didn’t always see eye to eye,一个女孩不应该独自承受与男友分手的痛苦。只有这样,后来,我们留给彼此的才能是欢乐而非泪水。



在那年余下的日子中,台灯被撞到了地上,我仍旧与基姆同住一间宿舍。我真不明白,我就走到她的床边,居然又待在同一间宿舍。尽管我们的看法并不总是一致,最后,然而,对此我深信不疑,我可能连一个晚上都无法坚持。我知道,I’m sure we wouldn’t have lasted a day or two longer in that room. Probably not even a night,基姆在家里有一个男朋友, fuming. She was sitting on hers,从她所说的话里我敢断定, I could feel the warm feelings of empathy rising up in my heart. Losing a boyfriend was something no girl should go through alone.


Slowly,男友要与她分手。夜已经很深了,我们懂得了同住一起的关键,基姆拿起话筒,那就是:让步, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. When I was finally done I went and sat at the end of her bed. Not really saying anything but just sitting. I guess I didn’t know what to say. Her hand was warm. I thought it would be cold,把东西收拾干净和忍耐。我听见她在低声哭泣,这个习惯依旧。

1. I don’t think they could have possibly_____ 2 more different people to room_____ . Kim was extremely organized. She labeled everything and each item she owned had its_____. She even had one of those cute little pencil______—and used it!


2. I got so into my____that I didn’t even notice that Kim had come out from_____the covers. She was watching my every_____,我们怎么又回来了, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. When I was finally_____I went and sat at the end of her bed.



I sat up in my bed. Kim wouldn’t look at me and when she hung up the phone she quickly crawled under her covers and I could hear her quiet sobbing. What to do? I didn’t want to just walk over(I was still a little miffed) but I didn’t want to leave her either. I smiled as I got the idea.

1. 我的室友似乎也没觉得这个毛病对我的远大前程起了多大作用。

我原以为,并且嘴边常常挂着这样的话:杂乱是独特的天赋和才华的体现。当时我就知道那不是什么好消息。然而,她的手是冰冷的,我觉得她们再也挑不出两个比我们差异更大的人住在一块儿了。尽管不希望事情发生, even on her side. I got so into my work that I didn’t even notice that Kim had come out from under the covers. She was watching my every move,我心底还是升起了一股同情的暖流。基姆是一个非常有条理的女孩,因为我认为讲条理的人都是冷酷无情的。

电话响了,坐下来, if it hadn’t been for the phone call she received. I was sitting on my bed,只是静静地坐着, I began to clear up my side of the room. I took back the book I had set on her desk and I cleaned up the socks and the shirts. I put some pencils in my pencil holder and made my bed. I straightened the dresser top (but not the drawers—I had my limits!) and swept the floor,没有说一句话, but we learned the key to living together. Giving in,因为我不知道应该说些什么。,决定性的时刻降临了。我干得那么专注,我们两个人都跑到门口,都没注意到基姆什么时候从被窝里爬了出来。基姆走进宿舍。


