
第25章 和你在一起 (11)

“Crying is okay for adults and children,” I began, “especially when something like this happens.” Still seeing the pain on their faces, I continued to tell them that it was okay to be scared, that fear is a natural response. For a while, we talked about how we would miss LeMar. It was at this point that I realized what Holly was doing.

She was working her way around the room, going from child to child—and the teacher—putting her front paws on their laps and stretching up to lick the tears from their faces. Unconsciously, the children hugged her back, running their fingers through her fur with such intensity that she would have gone bald if they’d done it all day. She called no significant attention to herself, but quietly expressed love and consolation. She diligently kept up her silent comfort throughout that long, difficult day.

As I slid into the front seat of my car that afternoon, I leaned back, exhausted from the emotional trauma. I just wanted to be home. Glancing briefly into the backseat, I was surprised to see that Holly had already fallen asleep. She was just as drained as I was, if not more so, and, not for the first time, I felt a pang of guilt. Was a fair to ask my dog to take on the emotional responsibilities of troubled children?Shouldn’t she be allowed to stay home and enjoy the carefree life of a house pet?

Those doubts may be why, even now, I occasionally stop in my rush to leave for school in the morning and,instead of ordering Holly into the car, look at her, asking, “Do you want to go to school today?” When she leaps up eagerly, all wags and excitement, I figure she’s answered that burning question for all of us. Yes, Holly is working today.





















1. Already the children were responding positively to the of a dog counselor. Holly sniffed out my , and we settled in for a day of work.

2. Little by , Holly’s reached beyond her little comer of my office. Absences at began to drop, and the children’s disruptive behaviors softened.

3. She was just as drained I was, if not more so, and, not for the first time, I felt a pang of . Was a fair to ask my dog to take on the responsibilities of troubled children?


1. 它被遗弃在校舍楼前台阶上,冻得身子缩成一团。

2. 他们抚摸着这只被遗弃的猫,往日的缄默和紧张似乎也随之消失。

3. 在与霍莉相处的日子,孩子们身心轻松,而他们的心理界限也完全消失。


1. Couldn’t she have the same relaxing effect on the children I counseled?

have effect on:对……有影响


2. ... sitting on the floor by Holly and petting, brushing, playing with and confiding in her.

confide in:信任;信赖




伊凡·谢尔盖耶维奇·屠格涅夫 / Tvan S.Turgenev

It was getting towards evening. He walked slowly, watching the water.

All of a sudden he fancied something was floundering in the mud close to the bank. He stooped over, and saw a little white-and-black puppy, who, in spite of all its efforts, could not get out of the water; it was struggling, slipping back, and trembling all over its thin wet little body.

Gerasim picked up the unlucky little dog with one hand, put it into the bosom of his coat, and hurried with long steps homewards.

He went into his garret, put the rescued puppy on his bed, covered it with his thick overcoat, ran first to the stable for straw, and then to the kitchen for a cup of milk. Carefully folding back the overcoat, and spreading out the straw, he set the milk on the bedstead.