
第10章 吃饭用语(2)

你喜欢麦当劳吗? Do you like McDonalds?


我不常吃快餐。 I don’t often eat fast food.

8. 中国菜有点油。 Chinese food is a little oily.

9. 泰国菜大多是酸甜口味的。 Thai food has a very sweet and sour flavour.

10. 印度菜有很多咖喱。 Indian food has a lot of curry.

11. 中国菜大都是炒菜。 Chinese food is mostly fried food.

12. 我喜欢上海的小吃。 I like snacks from ShangHai.

13. 中国有八大菜系。 China had 8 main types of Chinese cuisine.

14. 中国的火锅不错。 Chinese hot pot is pretty go-


15. 日本的寿司很有名。 Japanese Sushi is very fam-



南方人喜欢吃甜的。 Southern people like to eat sweet food.


四川人爱吃辣的。 People from Sichuan like to eat spicy food.

3. 我不喜欢太咸的食物。 I don’t like food that is too salty.

4. 北方人的主食是面条。 Northern people’s staple fo-

od is noodle.

5. 三明治是欧美人喜欢的。 Europeans and Americans like sandwiches.


中国人的传统食物是饺子。 Dumplings are a traditional Chinese food.


太酸了,我吃不了了。 Too sour, I can’t eat.

8. 有的人很喜欢吃苦的东西。 Some people like bitter foo-


9. 我早上只吃面包。 I only eat bread in the morn-


10. 晚上我吃得很少。 I eat less at night.

11. 日本人爱吃鱼。 Japanese people like to eat fish.

12. 中国人吃饭的时候喝白酒。 Chinese people drink white spirit when they eat.

13. 欧洲人喜欢红酒。 Europeans like to drink red wine.

14. 有的人吃完饭后喜欢喝茶。 Some people like to drink

tea after they eat.

15. 吃完饭后可以吃点儿甜点。 After we have eaten, we ha-

ve something sweet.


今天不做饭了,我们叫外卖吧。 I’m not cooking today, let’s get a take-away.


今天就我自己在家,我要叫外卖。 Today, it’s just me at home, I’ll call for a take out.

3. 上次的外卖是哪家的? Which house did we deliver to last time?

4. 你知道外卖的电话吗? Do you know the phone

number for the take-away?

5. 那家的外卖好吃吗? Is that restaurant’s take- away delicious?


帮我叫一个和你一样的外卖吧。 Could you help me order the same take-away as you?


我订日本料理那家的寿司。 I’ve ordered sushi from that Japanese restaurant.

8. 你吃什么,我帮你叫外卖。 What do you want to eat,

I’ll help you order.

9. 我们俩个叫一份外卖就够了。 If we both order one dish that will be enough.

10. 你好!我要订餐。 Hello, I would like to order some food.

11. 一份米饭,一份土豆牛肉。 One order of rice, and one order of potato and beef.

12. 请送到和平路8号,谢谢。 Please deliver to Heping Road No 8, thank you.

13. 1点以前送到可以吗? Can you deliver before 1 o’cl-


14. 我的外卖几点能到? What time will my order/ delivery arrive?

15. 不要放辣椒,谢谢! Please don’t add chili pep-pers, thank you.


晚上在家做饭吧。 Let’s cook tonight at home.


看看冰箱里还有什么? Could you see what is in the fridge?

3. 我们只有土豆了,那做土豆沙拉吧。 We have potato, we could make a potato salad.

4. 我现在去超市买菜。 I’m going to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

5. 再买点儿盐吧。 Buy some more salt.


哦,盐快用完了。 Ah, we are running out of



我买了牛肉,晚上做牛肉。 I’ve bought some beef, let’s

make it tonight.

8. 你想吃牛肉还是猪肉。 Would you like to eat beef or pork?

9. 还有咖喱吗? Do you still have some curry?

10. 我先列一个购物清单吧。 First, I’ll give you a shopping list.


晚上想吃什么,我给你做? What would you like to eat tonight, I could cook for



今天晚上朋友要来,我打算给他们做一次饭。 Tonight, my friend is coming over, I plan to cook for them for the first time.

3. 我要做我的拿手菜。 I want to cook my speciality dish.

4. 我找不到锅了。 I can’t find a pan.

5. 我刚学会了一道菜,今天我们试试吧。 I just learnt a new course, let’s try it today.


糟糕,好像没有盐了。 Oh no, out of salt.


我放的盐太多了。 I’ve put in too much salt.

8. 这个菜有点生。 This dish is a little undercooked.

9. 我做的西红柿鸡蛋汤怎么样? How about I make tomato and egg soup?

10. 我很喜欢在家做饭。 I really like cooking at home.

11. 需要帮忙吗? Do you need any help?

12. 请把油给我。 Please pass me the oil.

13. 啊,我切到手了。 Ah, I’ve cut my hand.

14. 这个菜应该多放盐。 This dish needs a little salt.

15. 再等10分钟,我做的饭就好了。 Please wait another 10 min-

utes, and food will be ready.

16. 我做饭,你洗碗,好吗? I’ll cook, you wash dishes, OK?

17. 这是我第一次做饭。 This is the first time I have cooked.

18. 我只要两个土豆,你洗一下吧。 I just want 2 potatoes, pl-ease wash.

19. 你想吃咸一点还是淡一点? Do you like a little salty, or a little blander?

20. 做这个菜,需要1个小时。 I need one hour to cook.


饭做好了,快来吃吧。 Dinner is ready, come to eat!


先去洗手。 First go and wash your hands.

3. 把筷子和碗拿过来。 Bring bowls and chopsticks.

4. 汤太烫了,等一下再喝。 The soup is very hot, wait a moment!

5. 我最喜欢妈妈做的咖喱饭了,真好吃。 My mother’s curry is my

favourite, truly delicious.


尝尝我的拿手菜。 Taste my speciality dish.


我第一次做这个菜,不知道怎么样? This is the first time I have made this dish, how is it?

8. 哦,你放了很多辣椒。 Ah, I’ve added too much


9. 我吃饱了。 I’m full.

10. 没想到你做的饭真好吃! I’d never imagined you cou-

ld cook so well!

11. 多吃点儿肉! Eat a little more meat!

12. 汤好了吗,我想喝。 Is the soup ready, I’d like to have some.

13. 这个不熟,再去煮一煮吧。 This isn’t hot, go and boil it again cook.

14. 这里有辣椒,你可以自己取。 We have chili , go and help yourself.

15. 我要再吃一碗米饭。 I would like another bowl of rice.


这个周末我们去野餐吧。 This weekend, we are going for a picnic.


明天我们去郊区野餐,你也来吧。 Tomorrow we are going to the suburbs for a picnic, will you come?

3. 我需要带些什么? What do I need to bring?

4. 我带饮料,你带食物吧。 I’ll bring drinks, you bring food.

5. 我去买一些野餐吃的食物。 I’m going to buy some food for the picnic.


把准备好的东西都放到车里吧。 Put the things we have pre-pared in the car.


记得带一块儿布。 Remember to bring a piece of cloth.

8. 你还要带伞吗? Do you still want to bring an umbrella?

9. 检查一下,东西都带齐了吗? Have you checked that ever-ything is ready?

10. 多带一些垃圾袋子吧。 Bring some extra rubbish ba-


11. 明天早上7点在我家门口见面。 Let’s meet tomorrow morning at 7 by my front door.

12. 我会带一些自己做的披萨。 I’ll bring some pizzas I made myself.

13. 5瓶水够吗? Is 5 bottles of water enough?

14. 你想玩儿羽毛球还是打扑克? Would you like to play badm-

inton or play poker?

15. 别忘了带录音机。 Don’t forget to bring a tape recorder.


我们要找一块空地。 We need to find an open space.


这里不错,有一条河。 This place isn’t bad, there is a river.

3. 先把东西都放好吧。 Let’s put everything down first.

4. 那儿有蚂蚁。 There are ants here.

5. 这太热 ,我们换一个地方吧。 It’s too hot here, let’s mo-ve to another place.


你选的野餐地方太漂亮了。 This picnic spot we have chosen is beautiful.


快过来,我们先照张相。 Come quickly, lets first take a photo.

8. John快把扑克牌拿出来。 John, quickly get out the poker cards.

9. 今天的天气不错。 The weather today is pretty good.

10. 我们把垫子放在那块儿大石头上吧。 Let’s put the mat / cushion next to that big stone.

11. 我饿了,我们吃饭吧。 I’m hungry, let’s eat.

12. 尝尝我做的三明治。 Try the sandwiches I made.

13. 有人带苹果了吗? Had anyone brought apples?

14. 天快黑了,我们收拾东西吧。 The sky is getting black,

let’s tidy everything away.

15. 大家把垃圾放到垃圾箱里。 Everyone please put rubbish in the dustbin / rubbish bin.


你要吃牛肉还是羊肉? Would you like beef or lamb?


我们带的羊肉好像不够了。 Looks like we haven’t brou-ght enough lamb.

3. 烤的时间长一点。 Grill for a little longer.

4. 多放点盐。 Add a little more salt.

5. 有辣椒吗? Do you have any chili?


太辣了。 It’s too hot / spicy.


好像不熟,再烤一会吧。 It doesn’t look hot, grill for a little longer.

8. 还有最后两串。 We still have the last 2 ke-babs.

9. 我们烤点蔬菜吧。 Let’s grill some vegetables.

10. 你们去玩儿吧,烤好了再过来吃。 You go and play, come back to eat when it’s cooked.

11. 好像要刮风了。 Looks like it’s getting win-dy.

12. 不要忘了放盐。 Don’t forget to add salt.

13. 你的烤肉技术不错。 Your BBQ skills are very


14. 还有酱吗? Anymore sauce?

15. 哦,我吃得太多了。 Ah, I’ve eaten too much.