
第12章 出门旅游观光 (2)

3. 提前15分钟检票。 Get your tickets checked 15 minutes in advanced.

4. 我们去排队检票吧。 I'm going to queue to get my ticket checked.

5. 对不起,你不在这儿检票。 I’m sorry, you can’t get

your ticket checked here.


先生,你有票吗? Sir, do you have a ticket?


火车晚点了,等一下才检票呢。 The train is a little late, plea-

se wait to get your ticket ch-


8. 对不起,火车开车前5分钟,我们停止检票。 Excuse me, 5 minutes before the train starts, we will stop to check tickets.

9. D52开始检票了。 We will start to check tickets for train D52.

10. 请排好队。 Please queue.

11. 我的火车票不见了。 My train ticket has gone


12. 我们先在这等一会吧。 We should wait here for a


13. 我可以上车后补票吗? Can I pay the extra fare once I am on the train?

14. T552的乘客请注意,请排队检票。 Passengers for train T552 please pay attention, please queue to check tickets.

15. 从广州开往上海的火车现在开始检票。 The train from Guangzhou to Shanghai will start checking tickets.

16. 火车已经开走了。 The train has already left.

17. 我们来晚了。 We are late.

18. 不能检票了,我们的票怎么办? We can’t check out tickets, what can we do about our ticket?

19. 你可以去退票。 You can go and return your ticket.

20. 我们改乘下一趟车可以吗? Is it OK to take the next train instead?


你是几号车厢? What train carriage are you?


你的座位号是多少? What seat number are you?

3. 哦,我们的座位没有在一起。 Ah, our seat numbers are not together.

4. 把行李放在上面吧。 Put your luggage on top.

5. 对不起,这是56号座位吗? Excuse me, is this seat 56?


我帮你放行李吧。 I’ll help you with your



你好!在哪可以补票? Hello, where can I pay the excess fare?

8. 我坐在里面吧。 I’ll sit inside.

9. 我们去吃饭吧,餐车在哪? We are going to eat, where is the restaurant carriage?

10. 我要下车了。 I want to get off the train.

11. 车怎么停了? Why has the train stopped?

12. 还有两站就到青岛了。 Two more stops before Qing-


13. 对不起,火车晚点一个小时。 I’m sorry the train is an

hour late.

14. 我们两个可以换一下座位吗? Can the two of us swap se-ats?

15. 各位乘客,请看好自己的行李。 All passengers, please watch your luggage.

16. 水果车过来了,你要水果吗? The fruit cart has just gone by, do you want some fruit?

17. 买份报纸看看吧。 Let’s buy a newspaper to read.

18. 请问现在火车晚点了吗? Excuse me, is the train run-

ning late?

19. 那大概几点才能到上海? Roughly what time will the train arrive in Shanghai?

20. 有热水吗? Is there hot water?


我们应该早一点订机票。 We should book our flights early.


订机票的电话你有吗? Do you have the phone num-

ber to book flights?

3. 你在哪个网站订机票? Which website did you use to book your flights?

4. 请帮我订一张明天晚上到上海的机票。 Please help me book a flight to Shanghai for tomorrow night.

5. 请告诉我你的姓名和身份证号。 Please tell me your name, and identity card number.


从北京到广州,最便宜的机票多少钱? From Beijing to Guangzhou, how much is your cheapest flight?


我要订一张今天晚上的机票。 I would like to book a flight for tonight.

8. 是到浦东机场吗? Is it to Pudong airport?

9. 我要头等舱。 I would like to go first class.

10. 现在机票打折吗? Are there any discounts on flights right now?

11. 现在是春节,机票很难订。 It’s spring festival, so flights are hard to book.

12. 你要晚上几点的机票? What time tonight do you want your flight ticket?

13. 你们可以送票吗? Can you deliver tickets?

14. 我在网上订机票吧。 I’ll book a flight ticket on a website.

15. 我要坐中国国际航空公司的飞机。 I would like to fly with Air China.

16. 你需要转机。 You have to stop over.

17. 北京直飞西班牙,多少钱? Beijing direct to Spain is how much?

18. 我要订圣诞节到英国的机票。 I would like a flight to Engl-and to arrive for Christmas.

19. 这个星期到上海的机票都订满了。 This week, all flights to Sha-nghai are booked.

20. 北京到纽约,多长时间? How long is it from Beijing to New York?


我们的飞机是几号航站楼? which terminal our plane in?


你去换登记牌吧。 Go and get your boarding card.

3. 还有很长时间,我们去候机楼吧。 We still have ages, let’s go to the departure lounge.

4. 我们得托运行李。 We must check in our lug-gage.

5. 去安检吧。 Let’s go to the security ins-pection.


现在好像不允许带液体。 It doesn’t look like they all-ow you to take liquid.


该登机了。 We must board.

8. 几号登机口? What boarding gate?

9. 我能带这个上飞机吗? Can I take this on the air-plane?

10. 请问我去哪换登机牌? Excuse me, where do I go to get my boarding card?

11. 您的行李超重了。 Your luggage is overweight.

12. 你的包里好像有违禁物品。 It looks like your bag con-tains prohibited goods.

13. 你的手机关了吗? Is your phone switched off?

14. 你的身份证呢? Your ID card?

15. 什么时候开始登机? What time id boarding?


你的座位号是11A。 You are set number 11A.


请系好安全带。 Please fasten your seatbelt.

3. 您想喝点儿什么? What would you like to


4. 请来一杯咖啡。 One cup of coffee please.

5. 你想吃什么? What would you like to eat?


我要牛肉。 I’ll have beef.


要加牛奶吗? Would you like milk?

8. 我可以收走了吗? Can I put your things away?

9. 请再给我一杯橙汁。 Please give me another glass of orange juice.

10. 请您收拾一下桌子吧。 Please fold up your tables.

11. 我不想吃东西。 I don’t want to eat.

12. 有药吗? Do you have medicine?

13. 我觉得恶心。 I feel nauseous.

14. 我打不开安全带。 I can’t open the seatbelt.

15. 请给我一条毯子。 Please give me a blanket.

16. 我觉得冷。 I feel cold.

17. 我们在哪转机? Where should we transfer?

18. 还有多长时间到英国? How much longer until we arrive in England?

19. 你是不是晕机了? Are you travel sick?

20. 我的座位不太舒服。 My seat isn’t very comforta-



飞机马上到上海了。 The airplane is about to arr-

ive in Shanghai.


我们在这儿转机。 We will transfer airplane here.

3. 大概等30分钟吧。 We have to wait for 30 min-


4. 不要忘了你的行李。 Don’t forget your luggage.

5. 我去取行李。 I’ll go and get our luggage.


我们得等一下我们的行李。 We have to wait for our lug-



我找不到我的行李了。 I can’t find my luggage.

8. 我是来旅游的。 I’ve come on holiday / vac-

ation to travel.

9. 我看一下你的护照。 Can I have a look at your pas-


10. 你有物品要申报吗? Do you have any goods to



我们开车去吧。 Let’s start the car and go!


你开吧。 You drive.

3. 我不认识路。 I don’t know the way.

4. 你下车问一下路吧。 You get off and ask how to get there.

5. 哦,你开得太快了。 Oh, you are driving too fast.


你开车的技术不错。 You drive really well / very skilfully.


你开了几年车了? How many years have you driven a motorbike?

8. 哦,我们应该左拐。 Ah, we must turn left.

9. 我每天开车去上班。 I drive to work everyday.

10. 我开得很慢。 I drive very slowly.

11. 快没油了。 I’m running out of petrol.

12. 去前面加点油吧。 In front, we can get patrol.

13. 系上安全带。 Please fasten your seatbelt.

14. 把窗户打开吧。 Open the window.

15. 晚上开车要小心点。 You must drive carefully at night time.

16. 后面有人,等一下再倒车。 There are people behind, ho-

ld on before you get out of the car.

17. 这里限速。 There is a speed limit here.

18. 车前面的灯坏了吗? Is the headlight broken?

19. 我有备用胎。 I have spare parts.

20. 车门关好了吗? Is the car door shut?


哦,又堵车了。 Ah, another traffic jam.


前面好像有事故。 Looks like there is an acc-ident ahead.

3. 我们应该早一点出来。 We must leave a little earlier.

4. 上下班高峰期的时候总是很堵。 During rush hour, the high-ways are always congested / jammed.

5. 我讨厌堵车。 I’m sick of traffic jams.


啊,我撞到前面的车了。 Ah, I’ve hit the car in front.


有人受伤了,快叫救护车。 Someone has been hurt, qu-

ickly call an ambulance.

8. 昨天下雪了,我得开慢一点。 It rained yesterday so drive a little slower.

9. 小心,前面有人。 Careful, there is a person ahead.

10. 哦,我没看到红灯。 Ah, I didn’t see the red lig-


11. 前面在修路,不能过去了。 There are road works ahead, you can’t go through.

12. 这条路很难走。 This road is hard to drive on.

13. 那条路很窄,车也很多。 This road is narrow, and the-