
第14章 出门旅游观光 (4)

明天我们先去天安门,然后去天坛,好吗? How about tomorrow we go to Tiananmen first, and then to Tian Tan?


我们从北门进去,从东门出来,好吗? We will go in the north gate, and exit the east gate, OK?

3. 你先去买票。 You go and buy a ticket.

4. 小孩子的门票半价。 Children’s entrance tickets are half price.

5. 哦,太漂亮了。 Ah, so beautiful.


我们去划船吧。 Let’s go boating.


这个石头看起来像一只猴子。 That stone looks like a mon-


8. 这是以前皇帝的卧室。 This is a past emperors bed-room.

9. 我们去那个椅子那儿休息一下吧。 We are going to that seat to rest a while.

10. 雪景太漂亮了。 A snow covered landscape is so beautiful.

11. 你看,那么多樱花。 Look, so many sakura flow-


12. 这是什么树? What is this tree?

13. 池塘里有各种各样的鱼。 There are many kinds of fish in the pond.

14. 我第一次来海边。 This is my first time to the seaside.

15. 可惜我不会游泳。 It’s a pit I can’t swim.

16. 我太累了。 I’m too tired.

17. 我们坐车下山吧。 We will drive down the mou-


18. 北京的胡同很有意思。 Beijing’s alleyways are very interesting.

19. 这里的人很热情。 The people here are very wa-


20. 你可以说英语吗? Can you speak English?


我们应该买一些纪念品。 We should buy some sou-venirs.


北京的纪念品有什么? What are Beijing’s souvenirs?

3. 很便宜,买一个吧。 It’s very cheap, let’s buy


4. 这是真的吗? Is this real?

5. 可以买一些明信片吗? Can I buy some postcards?


我的朋友让我买纪念品。 My friend has asked me to buy him a souvenir.


我要买一些纪念品给我妈妈。 I want to buy a souvenir for my mother.

8. 买一些中国的筷子吧。 Buy some Chinese chopsticks.

9. 这条路上有很多纪念品商店。 This street has a lot of souv-

enir shops.

10. 这个帽子很特别。 This hat is very special.

11. 我想他会非常喜欢这个的。 I hope he will really like this.

12. 你选好了吗? Have you chosen well?

13. 这个包上有“我爱北京”。 This bag says “I love Bei-jing”.

14. 这个可以挂在你的手机上。 You can hang this off my cell phone.

15. 我买了一个会说英语的机器人。 I’ve bought a robot that can speak English.


我要在湖边照一张像。 I want to take a photo by the lake.


我们照一张合影吧。 Let’s take a group photo.

3. 我应该从高处拍这张照片。 I should take this photo from a higher place.

4. 来,笑一个。 Come, smile!

5. 你们两个离得太远了。 You two are too far apart.


我看不到Jack的头。 I can’t see Jack’s head.


你好!你能帮我们拍照吗? Hello! Can you help me take a photo?

8. 再来一张,谢谢。 One more photo, thank you.

9. 哦,拍得不好,重新拍一张吧。 Ah, I took a bad photo, one more time.

10. 可以和你合影吗? Can I have a photo with you?

11. 糟糕,相机没电了。 Oh no, my camera has no battery.

12. 稍等,我换一块儿电池。 Just a moment, I’ll swap batteries.

13. 这儿太黑了,我们换一个地方拍照吧。 This is too dark, let’s move to another place for a photo.

14. 准备好了吗?我要拍了。 Ready? I’m going to shoot!

15. 好像没拍上。再来一次吧。 Looks like it didn’t take, let’s do once more.

16. 按这个钮就行了。 Just press the button.

17. 不需要闪光灯。 You don’t need a flash.

18. 我应该远一点拍。 I’ll shoot from a little fur-ther away.

19. 给那只猴子拍一张吧。 Take a photo of this monkey.

20. 哦,你的镜头盖盖上了。 Ah, your lens cap is closed.


Tom在哪? Where is Tom?


哦,这是哪? Ah, where is this?

3. 我好像走错了。 I think we have gone the wrong way.

4. 我迷路了。 I’m lost.

5. 你好,我找不到我的朋友了。 Hello, I can’t find my friend.


出口在哪? Where is the way out?


我得看一下地图。 I have to look at the map.

8. 请问,朝阳公园是在前面吗? Excuse me, is that Chaoyang Park straight ahead?

9. 我们得问一下路了。 We should ask the way.

10. 已经走了1个小时了,怎么还没到啊? We have already walked for 1 hour, why haven’t we


11. 我没来过这儿。 I’ve never been here before.

12. 中山公园是在这附近吗? Is Zhongshan Park nearby?

13. 可能是左拐。 It’s probably on the left.

14. 这条路对吗? Is this the right road?

15. 他刚才在我旁边。 He was just next to me.


我的相机呢? Where is my camera?


哦,你的包被打开了。 Ah, you left your bag is op-en.

3. 我的钱包丢了。 I’ve lost my wallet.

4. 我找不到我的手机了。 I can’t find my phone.

5. 我把包放在那个椅子上,可是忘了拿了。 I left my bag on the chair, but forgot to take it.


可能被小偷偷了。 Maybe it was stolen.


我得报警。 You should call the police.

8. 有人看到我的雨伞吗? Has anyone seen my umbr-


9. 你再找一找。 Look again.

10. 真的丢了。 It’s really lost.

11. 我的护照不见了。 I can’t find my passport.

12. 如果找到了,我们会给你打电话。 If found, I will give you a


13. 你的包里都有什么东西? What was in your bag?

14. 糟糕,我的银行卡都在包里面。 Oh no, all my bank cards we-

re in my bag.

15. 你去服务台问一问。 Go to the reception desk and ask.


这个导游很有耐心。 Your tour guide is very



现在可以进去参观了,1个小时后,我们在这集合。 You can go and look around for 1 hour, and then we will meet here.

3. 这是我们提供的午餐。 This is the lunch we have provided.

4. 请上车,我们要走了。 Please get on the bus, and we will go.

5. 我要带大家去参观雍和宫。 I want to take you all to visit the Lama Temple.


这个商店不错,你们可以去看一看。 This shop isn’t bad, you all go and have a look.


这是美国最大的瀑布。 This is America’s biggest


8. 有谁需要晕车药吗? Does anyone need travel sic-

kness medicine?

9. 你们提供的饭店服务太差了。 The restaurant serive you have provided was terrible.

10. 我还没有参观完。 we haven’t finished looking around.

11. 明天早上7点在门口集合。 We will gather tomorrow at 7 outside the gate.

12. 大家可以休息一会儿了。 Everyone can rest for a whi-


13. 你不能自己去那儿参观。 You cannot look around by yourself.

14. 大家可以自由选择饭店。 Everyone can freely choose a restaurant.

15. 旅行社说我们可以住4星级的酒店。 The travel company said we could stay in a 4 star hotel.