
第7章 日常电话用语(3)

4. 挑水果得看颜色。 When choosing fruit, you must look at the colour.

5. 这个西瓜是生的。 This watermelon is ripe.


这是哪产的西瓜? Where was this watermelon produced?


能便宜点吗? Can I have a cheaper price?

8. 有大一点儿的苹果吗? Do you have bigger apples?

9. 这些都坏了。 These are all bad / broken.

10. 这种看起来很好吃。 This type looks delicious.

11. 我不知道怎么挑芒果。 I don’t know how to choose Mangoes.

12. 这种苹果好吃吗? Does this type of apple taste good?

13. 哪种更甜? Which type is sweeter?

14. 我不要太大的。 I don’t want too big.

15. 这个香蕉不新鲜了。 These bananas are not fresh.

16. 好,就要这些吧。 Great, I’ll just have these.

17. 我要一斤苹果。 I would like to buy half a kilo of apple.

18. 要半个西瓜可以吗? Can I just buy half a water-melon?

19. 我要5个芒果,3个香蕉。 I would like 5 mangoes, 3 bananas.

苹果太贵了,就买2个吧。 Apples are too expensive, I’ll just buy 2.


多少钱? How much is it?


9块1,给你9块吧。 9 kuai 1, I’ll give you 9 kuai.

3. 二斤苹果,一斤香蕉,一共25。 One kilo of apples, half a kilo of bananas, in total 25.

4. 你有5块吗? Do you have 5 kuai?

5. 我没有零钱。 I don’t have any change.


希望你给我零钱。 I hope you can give me cha-nge.


我的钱不够了,不好意思。 I’m sorry, I don’t have eno-ugh money.

8. 稍等一下,我去换钱。 Please hold on, I’ll go and change some money.

9. 这个钱是假的,你给我换一个吧。 This money is fake, please change for another.

10. 找你12块。 That’s 12 kuai change.


我的朋友明天生日,我想送她一个蛋糕。 Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday, I would like to give her a cake.


明天是我和太太的结婚纪念日,我得买个蛋糕。 Tomorrow is my wife and I’s wedding anniversary, I must buy a cake.

3. 你喜欢什么口味的蛋糕? What flavour of cake would you like?

4. 我最喜欢巧克力味儿的。 My favourite is chocolate flavour.

5. 巧克力蛋糕还有水果蛋糕,你要哪一个? We have chocolate or fruit, which one would you like?


你要多大的? How big do you want?


要蜡烛吗? Do you want candles?

8. 我最喜欢奶油了。 I like butter the most.

9. 一个15寸的蛋糕,多少钱? How much is a 15 inch cake?

10. 多长时间可以做好一个蛋糕? How long does it take to

make a cake?

11. 我想预定一个芒果蛋糕。 I would like to order a mango cake.

12. 这些面包是现做的。 This bread was made fresh.

13. 这是面包师的新品,你可以尝尝。 This is the baker’s new pro-ducts, you can try.

14. 这种面包买二赠一。 This kind of bread is buy two, get one free.

15. 我要全麦面包。 I would like whole-wheat bread.


最近风很大,我想买个帽子。 It’s been very windy

recently, I want to buy a hat.


我觉得这身衣服和你的帽子不搭配,试试那一个。 I don’t think that hat suits your clothes, try that one.

3. 有遮阳帽吗? Do you have sun hats?

4. 今年流行哪种帽子? What is fashionable this


5. 这是新款吗? Is this new style?


这个帽子太小了。 This hat is too small.


你不适合戴这种帽子。 That hat doesn’t suit you.

8. 看起来很酷。 Looks cool.

9. 这种帽子不太暖和。 This kind of hat isn’t very


10. 我想买鸭舌帽。 I would like to buy a cricket cap.


我要买个旅行包。 I would like to buy a travel bag.


这种款式的包还有吗?我想再买一个。 Do you have any more of this style of bag? I would like to buy one more.

3. 这是我们店最受欢迎的款式。 This is our shop’s most po-pular style.

4. 这是意大利的牌子。 This is an Italian brand / la-bel.

5. 您可以试背一下! You can try on!


这是真皮的。 This is real leather.


买包以后可以来这儿维修吗? After I have bought this bag, can I come here to maintain?

8. 这种钱包很实用,可以放很多东西。 This wallet is really practical, you can hold a lot of things.

9. 这款钱包适合上班族。 This style of wallet is suita-ble for office workers.

10. 我们有两种颜色,您可以都试试。 We have two colours, you can try both.

11. 这是牛皮吗? Is this cow leather?

12. 这个包很适合你的风格。 This bag really suits your style.

13. 哦,这个包的图案很漂亮。 Ah, the pattern on this bag is very beautiful.

14. 我要买公文包。 I want to buy a briefcase.

15. 我喜欢粉色的包。 I like the pink bag.


您要什么牌子的化妆品? What brand of cosmetics do you want?


您可以试用一下。 You can try.

3. 你要买洗发水吗? Do you want to buy shampoo?

4. 您要哪种洗面奶? You would like what kind of facial wash?

5. 这是今年春天的新品。 These are this spring’s ne-west products.


我只用OLAY的化妆品。 I only use OLAY cosmetics.


你觉得我适合用哪种化妆品? What sort of cosmetic do you think is suitable for me?