
第8章 脑筋急转弯

When does car go exactly as fast as the train?

When it is on the train.


What has 4eyes and runs more than 2000 miles?

The Mississippi River.

(单词Mississippi 含有四个“i”。Mississippi n.密西西比河。)

What computers grow on a farm?



Which is heavier,milk or cream?

Milk,because cream rises to the surface.

(surface n.面,表面。)

I have 12legs,12arms and 9heads.What am I?

A liar(说谎者).

What goes up and counts down?

A rocket(火箭).

(count down倒计时。)

How can you double your money?

Look at it in a mirror.

Which hand is used to stir a cup of tea?

Neither,most people use a spoon.


Why couldn t the boy understand why his sister had three brothers?

Because he only had two.


How can you knock over a full glass without spilling any water?

The glass is full of milk.


How do we know that all socks have at least one hole in it?

Otherwise they couldn t fit feet in.


Who has a job highly looked up to?

A window cleaner.

(擦玻璃工(window cleaner)干活的时候,别人都得向上看(looked up to),look up to还表示“尊敬,敬佩”。)。)

Who can shave twenty times a day,but still have a beard?

A barber.


When do two 2 s make more than four?

When they make 22.


It has a head like a cat,feet like a cat,a tail like a cat,but it isn t a cat.

What is it?

A kitten.


How do you get an elephant out of a small car?

The same way you got it in.


What s a waste of energy?

Telling a hairraising story to a bald man.

(hairraising意思是“令人发指的”,按字面理解为“令头发竖起来的”,而bald man(秃头)没有头发。)

Why did the vine go to college?

Because it wanted to join the Ivy League.

(vine n.藤本植物;ivy n.常春藤;Ivy League(美国东北部哈佛、哥伦比亚等大学的)常春藤联合会。)

When do birds have eight feet?

When there are four of them.


What s the worst weather for rats and mice?

When it rains cats and dogs.

(It rains cats and dogs.意思是“下倾盆大雨”。天上降下“猫和狗”时,耗子就倒霉了。rat n.老鼠。)

What star can t shine at night?

The sun.

(太阳(the sun)是一颗恒星(star)。)

What stands still and goes?

A clock.

(钟(clock)站着不动(stand still),但是会走(go)。)

What runs but never walks?



What runs and whistles but can t talk?

A train.


What is the cheapest way to see the world?

Buy an atlas.

(see the world意思是“见识世界”,也可理解为“见到整个世界”,那么只要买一张地图(buy atlas)就可以做到了。)

What is the best way to make dreams come true?

Stay awake.

(要使梦想成为现实(make dreams come true),最好的办法是别睡着(stay awake)。)

What is the best way to get something out from under an elephant?

Wait for the elephant to go away.


What is the best way to get a seat on a bus?

Become a bus driver.

(做了公共汽车司机(bus driver)就可以一直在车里坐着了。)

What is the best thing to do when arguing with a silly person?

Make sure you re not doing the same thing.


What is the difference between taking a bus and walking?

The fare.

(乘公共汽车要付车费(the fare),步行不用付费。)

When does Friday come before Thursday?

In the dictionary.

If two s a company and three s a crowd,what is four and five?



What is the difference between a hotel clerk and a detective?

One checks people in and the other checks people out.

(旅馆职员(hotel clerk)让客人办理住店登记手续(check people in),侦探(detective)调查别人(check people out)。)

What is the difference between a composer and a postman?

One writes notes and the other delivers them.

(notes意思是“音符,便条”。作曲家(composer)写音符(write notes),邮递员(postman)递信(deliver notes)。)

How can you live to be one hundred years old?

Drink a glass of milk every morning for twelve hundred months.


What is it that will be yesterday and was tomorrow?



What is it that plays when it works and works as it plays?

A fountain.


What is everyone in the world doing now?



What is a bird after he is four years old?

Five years old.


What has two legs like an Indian,two eyes like an Indian,two hands like an Indian,looks just like an Indian,but is not an Indian?

A picture of an Indian.


What has no legs but can run?

A tap.

(水龙头(tap)能够放水(run water)。)

What has a bottom at the top?

A leg.

(腿的顶部(at the top of the leg)是臀部(bottom)。)

What goes down but can never come up?

A well.


What falls down all the time but never gets hurt?

A water fall.


What do you do when you wear your shoes out?

You wear them home again.


What do you call an overweight pumpkin?

A pumpkin.


What did the greedy lady get when she asked Santa Claus for some diamonds?

A pack of cards.

(圣诞老人(Santa Claus)送的礼物是一副扑克牌(a pack of cards),里面有的是diamonds。diamonds(扑克牌里的)方块,钻石。)

Name six things smaller than the mouth of an ant.

Six of his teeth.


How would you divide thirteen apples evenly among twelve people?

Make apple sauce.

(把13个苹果均分地分给12个人很难做到,做成苹果酱(apple sauce)就容易了)。)

How many hairs are there in a rabbit s tail?

None,for they are all on the outside.


What is never seen but changed a lot?

Your mind.

(change one s mind改变主意。)

What do you call an angry principal?

A cross boss.

(principal n.校长;cross adj.发怒的。)

Why are robots so brave?

They have nerves of steel.

(have nerves of steel (iron)意思是“有胆量”,也可理解为“有钢铁神经”。robot n.机器人;nerve n.神经,勇气。)

What has eight wheels but carries only one passenger?

A pair of roller skates.

(passenger n.乘客;roller skates旱冰鞋。)

At 6o clock in the morning a train leaves London for Edinburgh and travels at the rate of 70 miles an hour.At the same time another train starts from Edinburgh for London at the rate of 55miles an hour.Which of the trains will be nearer to London when they meet?

They are at the same distance from London.

(相遇在伦敦,与伦敦的距离自然也一样了。leave...for...离开……驶向……at the rate of以……速度。)

How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?

Take a longer rope and compare with it.

(与更长的绳子相比,原来的那根绳子肯定是更短了(shorter)。)How can you throw a ball and have it return to you without hitting anything or having anyone throw it back to you?

Just throw it up in the air.

How can you tell the weather with a rope?

Take it in the open.If it swings,it s windy;if it s wet,it s raining.

(in the open在户外,在野外。)

If your uncle s sister is not you aunt,what realation is she to you?

Your mother.

Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees.How many T s are there in that?

There are two T s in “that”.

It usually takes 8hours to travel from New York to Chicago by train.Then why hasn t the train leaving the Big Apple more than ten hours ago arrived yet?

The train was not for Chicago.

(The Big Apple指纽约。)

What s the difference between a monkey and a flea?

A monkey can have fleas but a flea can t have monkeys.

(flea n.跳蚤。)

What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?

Old age.

The injured dog had some difficulty going home.Every step he took,he slipped back two.However,he still managed to get home.How did he do it?

He walked in the other direction.

(slip v.滑,溜,跌交;manage v.成功地做了某事。)

Why do cowboys ride their horses to town?

It ll take much longer if they walk their horses there.

(cowboy n.牛仔,牧童。)

Why does Jim wish he had enough money to buy an elelphant?

He just wishes he had that much money.

Which month has 28days?

Every month has at least 28days.

What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of,too?

One s appetite.

(get rid of one s appetite满足胃口,吃饱喝足。)

Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?

From a hen.

What travels around the earth without using any fuel?

The moon.

(fuel n.燃料。)

What number is like a peacock?

The number is 9,because it s 0 without its tail and likewise,a peacock is nothing without its tail.

(peacock n.雄孔雀(雌孔雀为peahen。)。)

If you had ten apples and ate eight,how many would you have?

Ten.Two outside and eight inside.

Why is Jim praying Chicago to be made capital of New Jersey?

That s the answer he gave on his Geography paper.

A motorist ran into a motorcyclist,yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injured.Why?

The motorist was walking.

(motorcyclist n.骑摩托车的人。)

A police officer had a brother,but the brother had no brother.How could that be?

The police officer was a lady.Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbour?

Because it can t sit down.

(statue n.雕像,雕望;liberty n.自由;harbour n.港湾。)

Why is Mr.Polite teaching his children foul language?

He s teaching them what not to say.

Why does a cast look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?

Because it can t see both sides at once.

Where was the Declaration of lndependence signed?

At the bottom.

On the way to the bank,Mr.Green met three of his friends.Each of them had his wife with him and each of the ladies had two babies in her arms.How many people are going to the bank?

Only Mr.Green.The other people may not be going to the bank.

My mother and my father had a baby.It wasn t my brother nor my sister.Who was it?

It was me.

A young man drove his father s car all the way from his school in New York to his home in Florida,without knowing his car had a puncture.How could it be?

It was his father s car that he was driving.

(puncture n.剌孔,穿孔(尤指车胎)。)

What is both over and under the water but doesn t touch the water?

A girl crossing a bridge with a pail of water on her head.

What is smaller than a hummingbird s mouth?

Anything it eats.

How many sides does a circle have?

Two.The inside and the outside.

Why is eternity like a circle?

Because it has neither begining nor ending.

(eternity n.永恒。)

What animal can jump as high as a tree?

All animals,for trees can t jump.

A doctor had a brother who went out west.But the man who went out west had no brother.How can this be?

The doctor was a lady doctor.

With which hand do you write?

Neither.I use a pen.

What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?

People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age.

What question can never be answered by “Yes”?

“Are you asleep?”

What has no length,width or depth and can still be measured?


(three dimensions三维:length(长度),width(宽度),depth(深度)。)

Iron will rust if put in the open.Then what if gold is put there?

It ll be taken away.

(rust v.生锈。)

What can run and whistle but can t walk or talk?

A locomotive.

(locomotive n.火车头。)

Why can t the world come to an end?

Because it s round.

(The world is round 地球是圆的,因此没有beginning(开始),也没有end(结束)。)

Where s the biggest city in the world?

On the map.

Can you read “Madam,I m Adam.”without pronouncing any M S?

Of course,I can sure read without pronouncing anything.

Should you say 28and 37are 55or 37and 28are 55?

28and 37are 65.

(cradle n.婴儿的摇篮。)

Why s giving up smoking such an easy thing for a chainsmoker?

He has done it many times.

(chainsmoke v.一支接一支地抽烟。)

Which is right,the white of the eggs are yellow or the whites of the eggs are yellow?

The whites are never yellow.

(white n.蛋白,蛋清;yolk n.蛋黄。)

A little girl was 6years old on her last birthday,and will be 8on her next birthday.How can this be?

It s her 7th birthday.