
第29章 Tell me when we get there (2)

A policeman took a monkey to his boss. The boss asked,“What kind of monkey business are you getting up to?He said,”This monkey was wandering on the streets,not following any of the rules. I'm turning him in.” The boss said,“Oh,my God! You're so dumb! If you catch a monkey,you have to take it to the zoo. Why bring it to me. Take it to the zoo!”So the policeman took the monkey out. Three or four days later,he was seen again,holding the monkey's hand. He took the monkey to the police car,opened the door,put it in,and was about to drive away. The boss saw this,ran out,and asked,”Oh,my God! How come the monkey is still here?I told you to take it to the zoo.”The policeman replied,“Yes,sir. I've already taken him to the zoo. Today,I'm taking him to see a movie.



Is that clock right

Dan was the doorman of a club in a big city. Everyday,thousands of people passed his door,and a lot of them stopped and asked him,“What's the time,please?”

After a few months,Dan said to himself,“I'm not going to answer all those stupid people any more. I'm going to buy a big clock and put it upon the wall here.” Then he did so.

“Now people aren't going to stop and ask me the time,” he thought happily. But after that,a lot of people stopped,looked at the clock and then asked Dan,“Is that clock right?”





slaughterhouse [5slC:tEhaJs] n.屠宰场

fussy [5fQsi] adj.急躁,担忧的

flatter [5flAtE] vt.阿谀,奉承

dismay [dis5mei] n.沮丧,惊慌

monkey business 胡闹,常指指不道德或不合法的行为;恶作剧

see a movie 看电影

doorman [5dC:mEn] n.门卫,门童


迈克尔·杰克逊有首歌曲就叫Monkey business。

Well,Lord have mercy

Well,Lord have mercy

This ain't no good for me

This ain't no good for me,baby

Well,Lord have mercy

Well,Lord have mercy

Ain't no good for me,baby

Tell me what's goin' down,baby

Every time I wanna say it,it is

Just too much for me...

第一章 When do people talk least?


Best reward

A naval officer fell overboard. He was rescued by a deck hand. The officer asked how he could reward him.

“The best way,sir,” said the deck hand,“is to say nothing about it. If the other fellows knew I'd pulled you out,they'd chuck me in.”




Two pounds plums

Mother:I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums and you gave him a pound and a half.

Shopkeeper:My scales are all right,madam. Have you weighed your little boy?




Things have been okay

A young couple were becoming anxious about their four-year-old son,who had not yet talked. They took him to specialists,but the doctors found nothing wrong with him. Then one morning at breakfast the boy suddenly blurted,“Mom,the toast is burned.”

“You talked! You talked!” Shouted his mother. “I'm so happy! But why has it taken this long?”

“Well,up till now,” Said the boy,“things have been okay.”





The bad news and the terrible news

Michael sat in his attorney's office. “Do you want the bad news first or the terrible news?” the lawyer asked.

“Give me the bad news first.”

“Your wife found a picture worth a half-million dollars.”

“That's the bad news?” asked Michael incredulously. “I can't wait to hear the terrible news.”

“The terrible news is that it's of you and your secretary.”







When do people talk least?

Student A:When do people talk least?

Student B:In February.

Student A:Why?

Student B:Because February is the shortest month of the year.







rescue [5reskju:] n.营救,救援

reward [ri5wC:d] vt.报酬,奖赏

chuck [tFQk] n.(随便或贸然地)扔,抛

plum [plQm] n.李子,梅子

anxious [5ANkFEs] adj.焦急的,忧虑的

blurt [blE:t] vt.突然说出,脱口而出

why has it taken this long,是It takes sb. some time to do sth.句式的变体。

incredulously [in5kredjulEsli]不肯轻信地



30 days hath September,April,June,and November.

All the rest have 31

but February's the shortest one.

With 28 days most of the time

until Leap Year gives us 29.