
第23章 Top 5 Travel Myths (1)


Planning on a trip abroad? Perhaps your summer holiday? Take note of Olivia Sterns’ Top 5 Travel Myths. Here they are in bold, and my comments to each.

Myth No. 1: Change Money At Home

Olivia says that carrying a large amount of cash makes you vulnerable to pickpockets. Agree. She says it’s better to rely on your credit cards. Er, I would say it depends. In a lot of places in Asia, ATM machines are hard to come by and may not accept all ATM cards. In some resorts and hotels in Asia, credit cards are also not accepted. The exchange rate may also be far worse, depending on the location. Unless you’re staying in a posh destination, never assume that e-transaction will work. Do your research before departure and prepare accordingly.

Myth No. 2: Deals on Last-Minute Booking

Last minutes deals are indeed becoming more and more rare. Better to watch out for sales and promotions (which regularly comes up anyway) to save on airfares and hotel bookings.

Myth No. 3: Locals Are Experts

Absolutely not. In fact, in a lot of cases, locals are foreigners to their own territory. In fact, if you’re heading off the beaten track, locals can’t even understand why, out of all the possible places in the world, you would be interested in their locality.

Myth No. 4: You Get What You Pay For

No, particularly in Asia. There are really good deals to be had, some worth far more than you have paid. And vice versa: some expensive digs just aren’t worth the top dollar they ask for. Do your research, and look for online reviews.

Myth No. 5: Buy Extras Ahead

When buying packages, you will always be lured into getting a“package”, agents telling you it will come out cheaper that way. But, sometimes it pays to be prudent.



















comment [5kCment] n. 注释,评注

location [lEu5keiFEn] n. 位置;场所,所在地

airfare [5eEfeE(r)] n. 飞机票价

locality [lEu5kAliti] n. 地区;场所,现场

prudent [5pru:dEnt] adj. 审慎的,小心的


I’d like to exchange some pounds for dollars.(交换;调换)

The park is becoming more and more beautiful.(越来越)

She is looking for her lost child.(寻找)





第一章 Conjuring with Grapes (1) (1)


It is a tribute to the stimulating qualities of really good champagne that by 2:30 we were not only awake, but clearheaded enough to look forward to the afternoon and our studies of the grape’s progress, from bunches to bottles.

We began in the white-grape country of the Cotes des Blancs. The vines, which for long periods of the year are empty except for those few slow-moving and patient figures who check to see how nature is getting on, were bristling with people, the narrow green corridors crowded with their autumn population of pickers. It was fine weather for the vendange, mild and dry, and the frosts of late spring had caused less havoc than predicted. This would be a good, plentiful year.

The baskets of grapes were passed up to collection points at the end of the vines and ferried by truck or tractor to the village of Cramant, and the waiting pressoirs. These presses, vast round wooden instruments of torture with slatted sides, are big enough to take tons of grapes at a single gulp. From above, very, very slowly, a giant wooden grill descends on them, bursts them, and crushes them. The glorious juice runs off into subterranean vats.

Three times the grapes are subjected to this remorseless squeeze. Once, to extract the best of the juice, the tête de cuvee; a second time, for juice that can be used for blending; and finally, for the remains that will be distilled to make the local eau de vie, the marc de Champagne which they say grows hairs on your chest. Not a drop is wasted, and it is extraordinary to think that a single batch of grapes can be turned into two such different drinks, one delicate and light, the other—well, I happen to like marc, but you could never accuse it of being delicate.

We followed the route of the juice back to the fermentation casks in Epernay, and here I should offer a word of warning. If anyone should ever suggest that you inhale the bouquet of champagne in its formative period, decline politely if you value your sinuses. I made the mistake of leaning over an open cask to take a connoisseur’s sniff, and very nearly fell backward off the platform to the floor ten feet below. It felt like a noseful of needles. With head swimming and eyes watering, I asked to be led away to a less volatile part of the production line, and we left the casks for an expedition into the bowels of the earth.

Beneath the two famous towns of Reims and Epernay are literally miles of cellars and passageways, some of them three or four stories deep, all of them filled with champagne. In these cool, dim caverns the temperature never varies, and the bottles can doze in perfect conditions, mountain after dark green mountain of them, a champagne lover’s foretaste of paradise.