
第15章 思想的守望者

The Watchman at the Gate

Read this article quickly and answer the following questions.

1. According to the passage, how to choose our thoughts?

2. Upon what do happiness and success depend?

We must all have a watchman at the gate of our thoughts. The watchman at the gate is the superconscious mind.

We have the power to choose our thoughts.

Since we have lived in the race thought for thousands of years, it seems almost impossible to control them. They rush through our minds like stampeding cattle or sheep.

But a single sheep-dog can control the frightened sheep and guide them into the sheep pen.I saw a picture in the news-reels of a shepherd dog the sheep. He had rounded up all but three. These three resisted and resented. They baaed and lifted their front feet in protest, but the dog simply sat down in front and never took his eyes off them. He did not barks or threaten. He oust sat and looked his determination. In a little while the sheep tossed their heads and went in the pen.

We can learn to control our thoughts in the same way, by gentle determination, not force.

We take an affirmation and repeat it continually, while our thoughts are on the rampage.

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.

Your success and happiness in life depend upon the watchman at the gate of your thoughts, sooner or later, crystallize on the external.A trumpet is a musical instrument, used in olden times, to draw people’s attention to something—to victory, to order.

You will form the habit of giving attention to every thought and word, when you realize their importance.

The imagination, the scissors of the mind, is constantly cutting out the events to come into your life.













Ace in the Hole

Keywords and expressions



词组:external environment 外环境

external force 外力

external wall 外墙;外堤

external economy 外部经济

external pressure 外部压力

external condition 外在环境,外界条件

external appearance 外观;外形

例:The external features of the building are very attractive.


Chunks in Practice

Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese.

1. Since we have lived in the race thought for thousands of years, it seems almost impossible to control them.


2. 当你认识到思想和言语的重要时,你就会养成重视思考和言语的习惯。


3. 你思想的“守门人”决定了你能否在生活中取得成功,分享幸福。

Now a Try


