
第31章 过平静生活的代价是什么

What Is the Price of Personal Peace

佚名 / Anonymous

We want to live in peaceful times,in peaceful communities, in peaceful families. When asked what people wanted most in their lives, surveys showed that peace of mind topped the list. As with most things we want, though, it has a price. Are you prepared to pay?

If you are still yelling at the driver in front of you, there cannot be peace. If you believe your way is the only way, there cannot be peace. If you are more likely to judge others than reflect on yourself, there cannot be peace. Peace is a construct of people. It is an agreement that there is a better way to live, and a commitment to that way. That way is. . . peacefully.

How’s your temper? Do you offer others a piece of your mind often?

Oh, you do not even have to open your mouth to pass judgment. Just roll or avert your eyes. That doesn’t leave too much to the imagination.

Remember you cannot not communicate. Peace has a price tag. Each person has to pay it or they simply cannot have it. Here are a few ways to save up for it:

Work on Your Self-development

When you find yourself judging others, first ask yourself if you are blameless in those areas. When you have taken care of the issue responsibly yourself, you will better understand how to be most helpful to others.

Focus on Solutions not Problems

Rather than looking for someone to blame, put your energy into creating a better way to rectify a situation or to prevent a recurrence. Work towards agreement for solutions. That’s a much better use for your energy.

Identify Your Feelings Correctly

Take the time to identify the feeling you are experiencing accurately and give it a name. People can understand fear, frustration and pain when it is described. Talking about it brings clarity to communication. Anger is an arousal in your body in response to fear, frustration or pain. Simply being angry causes folks to move away from you.

Be Accountable, Responsible and Congruent

Keep your commitments to yourself and others. When in doubt, actions speak louder than words. When behavior is not congruent with words, believe the behavior. And walk your talk.

Maintain Your Balance

You are entitled to your opinions, beliefs, values and lifestyle. Your choices have consequences for you and others.

Consider the consequences before acting or speaking. To have peace it is essential to live without infringing on the rights and freedoms of others to have their opinions, beliefs,values and lifestyle. Peaceful living requires tolerance, acceptance, and, good fences and boundaries.

Be Very Clear about What Is Important, Significant and Valuable to You

When you know what you value and live accordingly, you will find peace. Then, it is yours to share. You cannot give a gift you do not have.

When you have conserved your energy in these ways, you will have the price of peace. There is only one catch. If you want to keep it, you simply have to keep paying the price!






















1. If you are yelling at the driver in front of , there cannot be peace. If you believe your way is the way, there cannot be peace. If you are more to judge others than on yourself, there cannot be .

2. When you find yourself judging , first ask yourself if you are blameless in those areas. When you have taken care of the issue responsibly , you will better understand how to be most helpful to .

3. When you know you value and live accordingly, you will find peace. , it is yours to share. You cannot give a you do not have.


1. 当你发现你在评价别人时,首先问问你自己是否有这个资格。

2. 不要寻找别人的过错,要将精力集中于去创造一个调整状况或是避免错误再次发生的方法上。

3. 清楚地了解,对你来说什么才是重要的,有意义和有价值的。


1. If you are more likely to judge others than reflect on yourself, there cannot be peace.

reflect on:仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑

2. Each person has to pay it or they simply cannot have it. Here are a few ways to save up for it.

save up for:为……而储蓄