
第6章 导言 (6)


最初构思毕业论文时,我想作为一篇世界史的博士论文,应当舍弃中文资料不用,但很快就发现这是一种错误的想法。印度着名的克什米尔问题专家拉强德拉?库马?简说:“南亚长期以来就是东方和西方,以及中国和苏联之间的一个竞技场。大国的雄心以及它们之间的竞争,加上该地区国家的不同利益,致使南亚政治具有挑战性的复杂。最近阿富汗的局势(注:指1979年苏联侵略阿富汗)就证明了这点。美国作为一个具有全球利益的世界性大国,它对南亚事务的兴趣和卷入随着时间的不同而改变。它们在相当大的程度上受到如下因素的影响:美国外交政策的优先考虑、其他两个利益大国即中国与苏联的政策和态度,以及该地区国家内部事务的发展。”Jain, Rajendra Kumar,US-South Asian Relations, 1947-1982, Radiant Publishers, 1983, Preface我最终认识到,要想完整地阐明克什米尔问题,离开中文资料根本行不通。中国自古以来对克什米尔地区都有重要的影响,这意味着中文文献对研究克什米尔问题是不可或缺的。





《克什米尔争端的重要档案和注释》Lakhanpal, PL,Essential documents and notes on Kashmir dispute, Delhi: International Books, 1965、《克什米尔:宪法历史和档案》Teng, Mohan Krishen, Kashmir: Constitutional History and Documents, New Delhi: Light & Life Publishers, 1977、《克什米尔报告》United Nations Representatives, Reports on Kashmir, Karachi: Printed by the Manager, Government of Pakistan Press, 1958、《英联邦事务的档案和演讲》Document and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs, 1931-1952, London: Oxford University Press和《英属印度历史档案》Forrest, GW, Edited, Historical documents of British India (vol1-2), Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1985。


《巴基斯坦运动的历史档案》Allana, G, Pakistan movement: historical documents, Lahore: Islamic Book Service, 1977、《印度民族主义运动档案选:1885-1947年》Pandey, Bishwa Nath, Edited, The Indian Nationalist Movement, 1885-1947: select documents, London: Macmillan Pr, 1979、《印巴演进档案选编(1858-1947)》HL Singh and BN Pandey, The Evolution of India and Pakistan,1858 to 1947: select documents, London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1962和《巴基斯坦决议到巴基斯坦国,1940-1947:档案选编》Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, Edited, Pakistan resolution to Pakistan, 1940-1947: a selcetion of documents presenting the case for Pakistan, Karachi: National Pub House, 1969。


《印度外交政策和关系档案选:1947-1972年》Appadorai, A,Select Documents on Indias foreign policy and relations, 1947-1972, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1982-1985、《印度外交政策的档案文本:1947-1959年》India Parliament Lok Sabha, Foreign policy of India: texts of documents, 1947-1959, New Delhi, Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1959、《英国外交事务档案:外交部秘密出版的报告和文件》Preston, Paul,British documents on foreign affairs: reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print Bethesda: University Publications of America, 2000、《美国外交的基本档案:1941-1949年》United States Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, A decade of American foreign policy: basic documents, 1941-1949, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1950、《美国外交政策的基本档案:1950-1955年》United States Dept of State Historical Office, American foreign policy: basic documents,1950-1955 (vol1-2), Washington: US Govt Print Off, 1957、《苏联外交政策档案》Degras, Jane, Soviet Document on Foreign Policy, London; New York : Oxford University Press, 1951-1953、《中国与南亚的关系,1947-1980》Jain, Rajendra Kumar, China, South Asian relations, 1947-1980(Vol1-2), New Delhi: Radiant Pub, 1981、《苏联与南亚的关系:1947-1948》Jain, Rajendra Kumar, Soviet South Asian relations, 1947-1978(Vol1-2), Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1979,《美国与南亚的关系, 1947-1982》Jain, Rajendra Kumar, US-South Asian relations, 1947-1982(Vol1-3), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1983、《美巴关系档案》Arif, K, America-Pakistan relations: documents, Lahore: Vanguard Books, 1984和《英国外交事务档案》Paul Preston, Michael Partridge, British Documents on Foreign Affairs(Part Ⅳ,Series E, Volume 7), University Publications of America, 2001。


《真纳的演讲和声明(1937-1948)》Jinnah, Mahomed Ali, Jinnah: speeches and statements 1947-1948, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000、《独立及此后:尼赫鲁重要演讲选,1946年9月到1949年5月》Nehru, Jawaharlal, Independence and after: a collection of the more important speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru from September 1946 to May 1949, Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, 1949、《甘地和真纳关于印巴分治的辩论》Merriam, Allen Hayes, Gandhi vs Jinnah: the debate over the partition of India, Calcutta: Minerva, 1980、《尼赫鲁关于克什米尔的言论选》Information Service of India, Kashmir, 1947-1956: Excerpts from Prime Minister Nehrus Speeches, New Delhi, 1956、《尼赫鲁与克什米尔》Nehru, Jawaharlal, Nehru and Kashmir, New Delhi: Anmol Pub, 1995、《穆罕默德?阿里总理在1955年克什米尔所有政党会议上的公开发言》Mohamad Ali, All Parties conference of Kashmir, 1955, opening speech by the Honorable Mr Mohamad Ali, Karachi: Ferozsons, 1955和《佐?阿里?布托在安理会的演讲》Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, Kashmir, speech delivered to the Security Council, Government of Pakistan, 1964。
