
第41章 你是我生命中的阳光 (11)



那场被称做“小埃及”的龙卷风把杰基送到了我家,它毫无保留地接受了我们这个大家庭,而我们也将无私的爱倾注给这只失去了家的小卷毛狗。 we could never him to perform circus tricks again.


1. 狂风肆虐,“We found him lodged between the door and the screen during the big tornado of 1925.” said my brother.

“Yes, sir. It adds up,” said the hobo,“I was with a circus in Missouri in March of 1925. That was sure some blow. The big tent was ripped to shreds. Everything was demolished.”

“This poodle was the number-one top show dog. He’s so valuable he was insured for hundreds of dollars. Lucky dog, he is. Blowed all that distance and not getting hurt.”

Suddenly the hobo asked, “Do you have a barrel hoop, boys?”

“Sure, I’ll get you one,” said my brother. Running quickly to an old barrel, he lifted off one of the steel bands. He dashed back and handed it to the hobo.

From beneath his old battered hat the hobo’s blue eyes sparkled. A smile broke through his heavy gray beard.

“Watch this, ” he said. “Less you boys been to a circus you ain’t never seen anything like this.”

He walked out into the yard and held the loop a couple of feet above the ground.

“Get ready,” he said to Jacky, again using that strange sounding name. Jacky trembled with excitement. On command he sprang forward and leaped through the loop—forward, then backward. As commands continued, he hurled through the hoop, turning end over end. He danced on his hind legs, then on his front legs. My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old hobo put Jacky through his circus tricks.

“He’s a little rusty on some of? but he sure ain’t forgetting any of it,” said the hobo. “Sure is great being together again. Brings back memories, don’t it little friend?” he said fondly as he patted Jack’s head.

Then with a forlorn look about him, he straightened up. “I guess I best be going,” he mumbled and headed slowly towards the gate.Without hesitation, Jacky followed at his heels.

“Jacky, come back! ” all three of us called. But it did no good.Tears trickled down our cheeks. We knew we had lost him.

Then the hobo paused. Looking down at Jacky, he said, “Our circus days is over,听起来好像十几辆火车呼啸而过。它不再为我们表演马戏团绝技了,可那有什么关系呢?过去的一切已经被龙卷风走了,不是吗?



2. Then the hobo . Looking down at Jacky, he said, “ Our circus days is over, friend. Over and . And the tramping life’s no life for you. You stay here. ”

3. Jacky with us for many years, and although he was the smartest dog we ever , friend. Over and done. And the tramping life’s no life for you. You best stay here.” Jacky stood,那个老流浪汉便朗朗地笑起来。虽然我那时只有5岁,但仍清晰地记得那天席卷伊利诺伊州南端的被称做“小埃及”的巨大龙卷风。龙卷风正路经我们居住的小煤城。狂风肆虐,听起来好像十几辆火车呼啸而过。我们蜷缩在厨房,震耳欲聋的声响,似乎要把我们的骨架摇散。









3. 小狗欣喜若狂地围着流浪汉又叫又跳,”他说,并用一个听起来很奇怪的名字叫他。“你在这里干什么呢?”



















2. 那只湿淋淋的小狗胆怯地摇着尾巴, watching the hobo walk away, still poised to follow.

Reaching the gate the man stood motionless for several seconds, then slowly turned around. “Boys, a circus dog never forgets the big top,” he said, “You’d better lock him in the house till morning. I’d hate to see you lose him.”

So we did. Jacky lived with us for many years, and although he was the smartest dog we ever had, we could never persuade him to perform circus tricks again. We figured he’d taken the hobo’s words to heart and put his circus days behind him once and for all.

1. The request wasn’t at all . In those days, many hobos stopped at our . Mother brought a plate of food to the porch where he waited. As he sat to eat, we boys gathered around him.