
第6章 若别离,莫相忘 (5)

3. 许多人都希望自己能够更加富有、更加成功。


1. The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly.

combine with:与……结合(或联合,混合,组合)


2. ... to give my total to those I cared for.

care for:关心,喜欢,介意



The Puppy with a Red Bow

佚名 / Anonymous

She came into my life when I was eight years old. My dad found her at work. She was stray and starving. He took one look at her, and said, “Seems like you could use a good home.” He opened up the door to his pickup and she jumped in. Her tail wagged all the way.

I was still at school when dad arrived home with the puppy. Mom and dad fed her and gave her a bath. This would be my first pet.

I had always wanted a dog. My parents told me when I was old enough and responsible, I could have one, well, I guess they figured the time was right.

I hopped off the bus, not knowing what waited inside for me. I walked through the door, and to my surprise, a white and black puppy with a red bow stuck to her head greeted me with many puppy kisses. A very special friendship was born that day.

Now she needed a name. My older brother laughed at her and said her tail was deformed. She didn’t wag her tail back and forth. but went in a circle. He motioned his finger around his ear, and said, “She’s squirrelly.” Thus my puppy, Squirrelly, got her name.

She was a smart dog. I taught her to play hide and seek. We would play for hours, spending our days learning and growing together.

Eleven years we were together, best of friends. Arthritis and old age set in on her. My parents knew what had to be done, but they stood back and let me find and make the decision myself.

She was suffering so much and the medicine didn’t seem to help anymore. She could barely walk. I looked into those deep brown eyes and realized it was time to let her go.

I carried her into the vet’s office, placed her on the table. Squirrelly leaned her head forward, gave a lick to my hand. As if to say she understood and stayed strong. Her tail was wagging in that circle as it always did.

The vet gave her a sedative first, for the final shot was given on her front paw, and that was painful. She first went to sleep, but her tail still wagged. Then the vet asked before giving the final shot, “Are you sure?” With a heavy heart and tear filled eyes, I nodded yes.

The final shot was given. My eyes fixed upon her wagging tail. A matter of seconds and it stopped. The vet listened for a heart beat, and said, “It’s over. ” I wrapped her up in her favorite blanket, and carried her out.

I took her home and buried her in the pasture, where she loved playing, and chasing rabbits. It was the hardest thing I had ever done.

I didn’t go back to her grave for many years, but recently I went. Growing on her grave was a single wild flower. I sat and watched it swaying in the wind, and realized that it was swaying in a circle, just like Squirrelly. I know now that,that special friend will be always with me.
















1. He took one look at her, and said,“Seems you could use a good home.”He opened up the to his pickup and she jumped in. Her tail all the way.

2. She was a smart dog. I her to play hide and seek. We would play for , spending our days learning and growing together.

3. I took home and buried her in the pasture, she loved playing, and chasing rabbits. It was the hardest I had ever done.


1. 父母告诉我,等我长大之后,有了责任感,就可以拥有一只小狗了。

2. 我从公交车上跳了下来,并不知道家里有什么在等待着我。

3. 现在我明白了,这位特别的朋友将会一直陪伴着我。


1. and to my surprise, a white and black puppy with a red bow stuck to her head greeted me with many puppy kisses.

to my surprise:令我吃惊的是


2. As if to say she understood and stayed strong.

as if:似乎,好像,仿佛




佚名 / Anonymous

I have been a dog person all of my life. For as far back as I can remember as a family we always had dogs. So, overtime I have developed a great deal of respect and admiration for our animal community. Some of the dogs that have touched my life have either been given to me or have come to me on their own. For the ones that come to me out of no where I find to be a big surprise and consider these very special indeed. As I have learned some very valuable lessons from them.

Ozzie came into my life at a time when I was uncertain about my future. I was in my late 20’s and going through a period where I didn’t want to accept any responsibility for any of my actions. My heart was heavy with negativity and distrust.

Then through a series of events I was introduced to two blind boys who had two beautiful guide dogs and, you guessed it Ozzie!