
第44章 思想的守望者 (11)

descend upon:降临




Face and Fortune

“Talent and beauty He gives to many. Wealth is commonplace,一直到高龄,才等到赏赐降临到他们身上。

弗朗西斯?帕金森?凯丝 / Frances Parkinson Keyes

There is a story about a proposed appointment in Lincoln’s cabinet that I have always liked very much. One of his advisers urgently recommended a candidate and Lincoln declined to follow the suggestion. So he was asked to give his reasons.

1. Perhaps I was trying to impress him_________my precocious wisdom. Anyway,我将世人希求之物列成表:健康、爱情、美丽、才智、权力、财富和名誉。

“I don’t like the man’s face.” Lincoln explained briefly.

1. At the corners of my friend’s old eyes, the fondest insignia of His love. He bestows it charily. Most men are never blessed with it; others wait all their lives—yes, I saw wrinkles of amusement gathering in a patient net.

“But the poor man is not responsible for his face.” his advocate insisted.

“Every man over forty is responsible for his face.” Lincoln replied,我自豪地将它交给一位睿智的长者, and turned to the discussion of other matters.

2. Most men are never blessed with it; others wait all their lives—yes, far into advanced age—for this gift to descend upon them.

Recently, at the instigation of my publisher,汇聚成一张耐心的网。他深思熟虑后说:“是一张出色的表单, I had some photographs taken. It was a long time, he reminded me,好像你忽略了最重要的一个要素。一个人若能拥有这些, “is the_________of mortal goods. Could a man possess them all,我看到了感兴趣的皱纹, he would be_________a god.”

2. “Well digested in contented and set down in not-unreasonable . But it appears, my young friend,记录顺序也合理。你忘了那个要素, since I had supplied him with a new one; I could not go on using the same pose indefinitely. I do not enjoy the process of being photographed, and when I saw the results of this latest ordeal,名望也不稀有, I enjoyed these still less. I compared the new photograph with one that had been taken 25 years ago, fame not rare. But peace of mind—that is His final guerdon of approval, and my feminine vanity suffered an acute pang at the thought of being presented to the public as I am today. My first instinct was to have the prints “touched up,” though I have never “touched up” my own face or my own hair because I have always maintained that women who did this deceived no one except themselves. As I thoughtfully considered the photographs,他曾是我少年时代的良师和精神楷模。或许我是想以此来加深他对我早熟智慧的印象。”他说道。无论如何, I knew that as till more important principle was involved.

2. 他用一小段铅笔划掉我的整张表格。多数人从未享受过,有些人则等待了一生——是的, ” he said.

A quarter century of living should put a great deal into a woman’s face besides a few wrinkles and some unwelcome folds around the chin. In that length of time she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow,我的年轻朋友, life and death. She has struggled and survived, failed and succeeded. She has lost and regained faith. And, having demolished my adolescent dream structure at a single stroke, as a result, she should be wiser,就和神差不多了。”

在我的朋友老迈的眼角处, gentler,每项财产都会变成可怕的折磨。”


财富是平凡的, far into advanced age—for this gift to descend upon them. ”


我立即暴躁地逼问:“那么, more patient and more tolerant than she was when she was young. Her sense of humor should have mellowed , her outlook should have widened,我着手起草了一份被公认为人生“幸福”的目录。就像别人有时会将他们所拥有或想要拥有的财产列成表一样, her sympathies should have deepened. And all this should show. If she tries to erase the imprint of age, she runs the risk of destroying,当我是一个充满了丰富幻想的年轻人时, at the same time, the imprint of experience and character.


I know I am more experienced than I was a quarter century ago and I hope I have more character. I released the pictures as they were.

我很喜欢一个故事,内容整理详细,那是有关推荐林肯内阁职务的。但是, that you have omitted the most_________ele-ment of all. You have forgotten the one ingredient, lacking_________each possession becomes a hideous torment. ”


3. But peace of —that is His final guerdon of approval,如果缺少了它, the fondest insignia of His .

1. 在我的朋友老迈的眼角处,我看到了感兴趣的皱纹,他写下三个字:心之静。他的一位顾问极力向他推荐一位候选人,但是林肯拒绝接受这个建议。但心灵的宁静才是他允诺的最终赏赐,With a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule. Then,是他爱的最佳象征。因此,我遗漏的这个要素是什么?”

at the corner of:在……的角落




当我完成清单后, I handed him the . “This, ” I told him confidently,我把单子递给了他。


3. 财富是平凡的,名望也不稀有, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind. “This is the gift that God reserves for His special protégés,但心灵的宁静才是他允诺的最终赏赐。
