
第24章 点滴生活 (1)

> Conversation

家 政 服 务

Unit 32 现代人工作越来越忙,会洗衣做饭照顾孩子的人也越来越少,所以保姆就成了生活中的好帮手。很多人抱怨找保姆难,当然喽!一位优秀的保姆,不但可以解决你的后顾之忧,还能成为你生活上的朋友,自然要谨慎选择!

1 We need a baby-sitter. 我们需要一个保姆。

A: What have you been doing recently? B: I’m terribly busy taking care of the baby. I think we need a baby-sitter because we’ve felt dog-tired over a long period.甲:最近忙什么呢?


■ Plus Plus: baby-sitter表示“(代人临时)照看婴儿的人”,也就是我们常说的婴儿保姆或者月嫂。 2 I have had three baby-sitters before. 我以前有过三个保姆。

A: Have you ever hired a baby-sitter? That’s important to your baby. B: Don’t worry. I have had three baby-sitters before and I know how to pick a good one.甲:你以前雇过保姆吗?那对你的孩子可是很重要呢。乙:放心吧,我以前有过三个保姆,知道怎么找个好的。

■ Plus Plus:have had表示“曾经有过”。与这句意思相近的句子还有: I used to have three baby-sitters before. The household service company just introduced a young baby-sitter to me. 家政服务公司刚给我介绍了一个年轻的保姆。 A: Have you found a baby-sitter? B: Yes. The household service company just introduced a young baby-sitter to me.


■ Plus Plus:household service指的是“家政服务”。例如:housekeeper 女管家housekeeping 家政housewife 家庭主妇 4What do you think of your new hourly worker? 你觉得你家新来的小时工怎么样?

A: What do you think of your new hourly worker? B: Well, she did a good job. Everything is in order due to her work.甲:你觉得你家新来的小时工怎么样?乙:她干得很漂亮。因为她一切都井井有条的了。

Plus Plus:hourly表示“以小时为单位计算的”。例如:hourly pay 按小时计的报酬 5 The sitter I just hired doesn’t have too much experience. 我刚雇的保姆没什么经验。

A: I’m totally fed up! B: What’s wrong? A: The sitter I just hired doesn’t have too much experience. What’s more, she’s too lazy to learn anything.甲:真是受够了!乙:怎么了?甲:我刚雇的保姆没什么经验。更要命的是,她什么都懒得学。

■ Plus Plus:experience表示“经验”,而 experienced就可以表示“有经验的,经验丰富的,老练的”。例如: I’m a new worker. So I don’t have much experience. 我是个新人,所以没有什么经验。He is much experienced in teaching. 他有丰富的教学经验。6He is totally qualified for the job. 他完全胜任这份工作。

A: Are you satisfied with your yardman? B: Yes, I am. He is totally qualified for the job and he knows how to deal with others.


■ Plus Plus:be qualified for表示“有……的资格;适于担任……”,在某些情况下可以与 be qualified to通用。例如:Are you qualified to doctor? 你有资格当医生吗? 7How about your housekeeper? 你家家政服务员怎么样?

A: How about your housekeeper? B: She changes the sheets frequently. A: How diligent your housekeeper is!甲:你家家政服务员怎么样?乙:她换被单很勤。甲:真勤快。

■ Plus Plus:housekeeper表示“管家”。与这句意思相近的句子还有: How do you think your housekeeper? 8 We have not been worried about our garden since we hired Henry. 自从雇了亨利,我们都不用担心花园了呢!

A: Your garden looks neater and more beautiful now. B: Thanks to the new yardman. We have not been worried about our garden since we hired Henry.甲:你的花园现在看上去更干净漂亮了。乙:多亏了新来的园丁。自从雇了亨利,我们都不用担心花园了呢!

■ Plus Plus:Thanks to...表示“多亏了……,由于……”。 9 How much do you pay for your housekeeper every month?


A: How much do you pay for your housekeeper every month? B: 2000 Yuan. Is that too much?甲:你每个月给家政服务员多少钱?乙:2000元。是不是有点多?

■ Plus Plus:pay for表示“负担……费用;付……的代价”。例如:I paid three dollars for a hamburger.  我花三美元买了一个汉堡包。 ■ Plus Plus:pay for表示“负担……费用;付……的代价”。例如:I paid three dollars for a hamburger.  我花三美元买了一个汉堡包。 10How diligent your housekeeper is! 你家家政服务员好勤快啊!

A: How diligent your housekeeper is! B: I’m lucky. She is not only a good housekeeper, but also a good friend.甲:你家家政服务员好勤快啊!乙:我很幸运。她不仅是个好保姆,也是我的好朋友。

■ Plus Plus:diligent表示“勤劳的,努力工作的”,相当于industrious。例如:The Chinese are an industrious nation. 中华民族是个勤劳的民族。take care of照顾 baby-sitter ['beibi`sit4] n. 保姆 period ['pi4ri4d] n. 时期 hire ['hai4(r)] v. 雇用 household ['haush4uld] n. 家庭 fed up厌烦

yardman ['j2:dm4n] n. 园丁 be qualified for有资格做…… housekeeper ['haus`ki:p4(r)] n. 主妇 pay for支付 diligent ['dilid94nt] adj. 勤勉的 industrious [in'd8stri4s] adj.勤奋的

> Conversation

打 理 衣 物

Unit 33 你是不是也懒得做 laundry呢?要洗的衣服都堆成山了,是不是让你很苦恼?可是,衣服还是要洗的,所以,动起来吧!

1The washing has really piled up. 要洗的衣服已经堆成小山了。

A: The washing has really piled up. B: I know. I have no time to do laundry.甲:要洗的衣服已经堆成小山了。乙:我知道。我没时间洗。

■ Plus Plus:pile表示“堆起,叠起;堆于…上”。例如:piled books onto the table 在桌上堆书piled the table with books 把书堆在桌上pile up表示“积累,积聚”。 2I need to do some laundry. 我要洗点衣服。

A: I need to do some laundry. B: The washer and dryer are downstairs.甲:我要洗点衣服。乙:楼下有洗衣机和甩干机。

■ Plus Plus:laundry表示“洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗熨”。例如:do the laundry 洗衣服 3I have to put up the clothes in the air. 我得把衣服晾上。

A: I have to put up the clothes in the air. B: Do you need help?甲:我得把衣服晾上。乙:要帮忙吗?

■ Plus Plus:put up有“举起”的意思,在此指“挂起(晾晒)”。表示“晾晒”还可以用“dry”。例如: