
第5章 我型我秀 (2)

A: He got a promotion? Why didn’t he tell us? B: He’s a very modest man.甲:他被升职了?为什么他没有告诉我们?乙:他是个很谦虚的人。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s not one to brag. 6He is a tough guy. 他是个强硬好斗的家伙!

A: Why is he trying to start that fight? B: He is a tough guy.甲:为什么他要挑头打架呢?乙:他是个强硬好斗的家伙!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s really macho. ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s really macho. He’s out of his league. 他总好高骛远。 A: Oh look, Will is trying to hit on that girl over there. B: She’s way too pretty; she’s out of his league.甲:噢,快看。威尔试图和那边那个女孩调情呢。乙:她太漂亮了。他总好高骛远。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s aiming too high. >>>我型我秀>>>

8That man never quits. 这个人从不认输。

A: Bob is on the phone again trying to get his job back. B: Wow. That man never quits.甲:鲍勃又一次打来电话了,试图重新得到他的工作。乙:哇,这个人从不认输。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: That man never admits he is wrong. That man never gives up. That man never admits defeat. He can’t stand to lose. 他是个输不起的人。

A: Allison beat Kevin in the game. B: Oh no! He can’t stand to lose.甲:在这场比赛中凯文被艾利森打败了。乙:噢,不!他是个输不起的人。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He is a sore loser. He can’t handle defeat.10You should not see things in such a negative way. 你不应该那么消极地看待事物。

A: You should not see things in such a negative way.

B: I am not.甲:你不应该那么消极地看待事物。乙:我没有。

■ Plus Plus:negative指“消极的;没有积极的因素”。例如:negative ideas 消极的办法a negative outlook on life 消极的人生观negative的反义词就是affirmative。例如:Two negatives make an affirmative. 负负得正。 confidence ['k3nfid4ns] n. 自信 give up放弃 optimistic [`3pti'mistik] adj. 乐观的 grudge [gr8d9] n. 怨恨,嫉妒 go-getter ['g4u'get4] n. 能干的人 ambitious [1m'bi54s] adj. 雄心壮志的

modest ['m3dist] adj. 谦虚的 tough [t8f] adj. 不屈不挠的 league [li:g] n. 联盟 quit [kwit] vt. 放弃 negative ['neg4tiv] adj. 消极的 affirmative [4'f4:m4tiv] adj. 积极的

> Conversation

外 貌 描 述

Unit 8 中国有句古话:人不可貌相。西方人也认同这个观点,他们说:Judge not according to the appearance. 不过,他们也有这样的说法:A good face is a letter of recommendation.(漂亮的面孔就是一封推荐信。)那么要描述一个人的外貌,用英语怎么说呢?

1 Kate is an attractive girl, isn’t she? 凯特是个吸引人的女孩,是吧?

A: Kate is an attractive girl, isn’t she? B: She really is. She has beautiful eyes.甲:凯特是个吸引人的女孩,是吧?


■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Kate is a pretty girl, isn’t she? Don’t you think Kate is pretty? 2What did she look like? 她长得怎么样?

A: What did she look like? B: Thin and pretty.甲:她长得怎么样?乙:很瘦,很漂亮。

■ Plus Plus:What does/did she/he look like? 用来询问外貌。What is she/he like? 则更多用来询问性格。与这句意思相近的句子还有: What about her looks? >>>我型我秀>>>

3 Susan has long, shoulder-length hair. 苏珊长发飘逸过肩。

A: What’s Susan look like? B: Susan has long, shoulder-length hair.


■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: She has long flowing hair down to her shoulders. 4 She’s got a nice shape. 她曲线很优美。

A: So tell me about your new girlfriend. B: She’s got a nice shape.甲:跟我说说你的新女朋友。乙:她曲线很优美。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: She’s got great curves. She’s got a great figure. She’s got a body to die for. She’s has an hourglass figure. She has an incredible body. 5She was so petite. 她长得很娇小。

A: Did you see that girl? B: Yeah, she was so petite.甲:你看见那个女孩子了吗?乙:是的,她长得很娇小。

■ Plus Plus:petite指女子“娇小的,小个子的”。与这句意思相近的句子还有: She’s so small. She’s tiny. 6She has an oval face. 她有张瓜子脸。

A: Is she pretty? B: Yes, she has an oval face and beautiful eyes.甲:她漂亮吗?乙:是的,她有张瓜子脸和漂亮的眼睛。

■ Plus Plus:round face 圆脸  long face 长脸square face 方脸

7She has perfect eyebrows. 她的眉形很好看。

A: She has perfect eyebrows. B: I know. I wonder if she gets them waxed.甲:她的眉形很好看。乙:我知道。我在想她是不是修过。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: Her eyebrows are nicely shaped. She looks older than she is. 她看起来要比实际年龄大一些。

A: Did you meet my little sister? B: Yeah, she looks older than she is.甲:你见过我妹妹了吗?乙:是的,她看起来要比实际年龄大一些。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: She looks old for her age. 9She has gained weight. 她有点发胖了。

A: Did you see Amy? How did she look? B: She has gained weight.甲:你见过艾米了吗?她长什么样子?乙:她有点发胖了。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: She has put on weight. 10He is a really good looking man! 他长得真帅!

A: This is a picture of my boyfriend, John. B: He is a really good looking man!甲:这是我男朋友约翰的照片。乙:他长得真帅!

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s really good looking! He’s so handsome! He’s very attractive.

11 He’s in pretty good shape. 他身材不错。

A: What’s his body like? B: He’s in pretty good shape.甲:他体型怎么样?乙:他身材很不错。

12 He’s got pearly whites and big blue eyes. 他有一口洁白的牙齿和一双蓝色的大眼睛。

A: Is he handsome? B: Yeah. He’s got pearly whites and big blue eyes.甲:他长得帅吗?乙:是的。他有一口洁白的牙齿和一双蓝色的大眼睛。 ■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He has blue eyes and really white teeth. 13 He’s like, average height, medium build. 他中等身材,体格一般。

A: What did he look like? B: He’s like, average height, medium build.甲:他长什么样啊?乙:他中等身材,体格一般。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s medium height, average build. He’s heavy-set and muscular. 他很结实而且肌肉发达。 A: Was Donnie that skinny guy in the corner? B: No. He’s heavy-set and muscular.甲:角落里那个瘦子就是唐尼吗?乙:不是。他很结实而且肌肉发达。

■ Plus Plus:与这句意思相近的句子还有: He’s big, but with good muscle tone.