
第21章 麦田里的守望者 (1)

The Catcher in the Rye















[ 美] 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格(J.D.Salinger)

Old Phoebe said something then,but I couldn’t hear her.

She had the side of her mouth right smack on the pillow,and I

couldn’t hear her.

“What?”I said.“Take your mouth away. I can’t hear you

with your mouth that way.”

“You don’t like anything that’s happening.”

It made me even more depressed when she said that.

“Yes I do. Yes I do. Sure I do. Don’t say that. Why the hell do

you say that?”

“Because you don’t. You don’t like any schools. You don’t

like a million things. You don’t.”

“I do! That’s where you’re wrong — that’s exactly where

you’re wrong! Why the hell do you have to say that?”I said.

Boy,was she depressing me.

“Because you don’t,”she said.“Name one thing.”

“One thing? One thing I like?”I said.“Okay.”

The trouble was,I couldn’t concentrate too hot. Sometimes

it’s hard to concentrate.

“One thing I like a lot you mean?”I asked her.

She didn’t answer me,though. She was in a cock-eyed

position way the hell over the other side of the bed. She was

about a thousand miles away.“C’mon,answer me,”I said.“One

thing I like a lot,or one thing I just like?”

“You like a lot.”


“Anyway,I like it now,”I said.“I mean right now. Sitting

here with you and just chewing the fat and horsing —”

“That isn’t anything really!”

“It is so something really! Certainly it is! Why the hell isn’t it? People

never think anything is anything really. I’m getting goddam

sick of it.”

“Stop swearing. All right,name something else. Name

something you’d like to be. Like a scientist. Or a lawyer or


“I couldn’t be a scientist. I’m no good in science.”

“Well,a lawyer — like Daddy and all.”

“Lawyers are all right,I guess — but it doesn’t appel to me,”

I said.“I mean they’re all right if they go around saving innocent guy’s

lives all the time,and like that,but you don’t do that kind of stuff if

you’re a lawyer. All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf

and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hotshot.

And besides. Even if you did go around saving guys’

lives and all,how would you know if you did it because you really

wanted to save guys’lives,or because you did it because what

you really wanted to do was be a terrific lawyer,with everybody

slapping you on the back and congratulating you in court when

the goddam trial was over,the reporters and everybody,the way

it is in the dirty movies? How would you know you weren’t being

a phony? The trouble is,you wouldn’t.”

I’m not too sure old Phoebe knew what the hell I was

talking about. I mean she’s only a little child and all. But she was

listening,at least. If somebody at least listens,it’s not too bad.

“Daddy’s going to kill you. He’s going to kill you,”she said.

I wasn’t listening,though. I was thinking about something

else — something crazy“. You know what I’d like to be?”I said“. You

know what I’d like to be? I mean if I had my goddam choice?”

“What? Stop swearing.”