
第44章 附录常用财经词汇表 (7)

fixed interest investment 定息投资

flat rate charge 划一收费

flexibility arrangement 弹性措施

floating charge 浮动押记

floating loss 浮动损失;浮动亏损

floating profit 浮动利润

floating rate 浮动利率;浮动汇率

floating rate bond 浮息债券

floating rate liabilities 浮动利率负债

floating rate regime 浮动汇率制度

floor broker 出市经纪

floor ticket 交易所买卖单

floor trader 出市代表;出市员

flow chart 流程图

fluctuating overdraft 不定数额透支

fluctuation 波动

folio of ledger 分类账

foolproof system 万全办法

forecast figure 预测数字

forecast period 预测期

forecast return 预测报表

forecast submission 呈报预测

forecast year 预测年度

foreclosure 止赎权

foreclosure order 止赎令

foreign bank 外地银行

foreign bill 外地汇票

foreign currency 外币

foreign currency assets 外币资产

foreign currency deposit 外币存款

foreign note 外地承付票

foreign ownership 外资拥有权

foreign partnership 外地合伙

foreign remittance 国外汇款

foreign tax 外地税款

forfeit 没收物品

forfeiture 没收

forfeiture of contribution 没收供款

forfeiture of sum 没收款项

forged signature 假冒的签名

forgiveness of a debt 免偿债务

forward purchase 期货购买

forward rate 远期汇率;期汇率

forward trading 期货交易;远期交易

franc area 法郎区

franchise 专营权;特许权

franking machine 印花盖印机

fraudulent trading 欺诈营商

free fiscal reserve 自由财政储备

free market economy 自由市场经济

freehold 不动产所有权;永久产权

freely convertible 可自由兑换

freely remittable 自由汇返

freezing order 冻结令

French Franc [FRF] 法国法郎

fringe benefit 附带利益

fringe market 外围市场

frozen provision 冻结款项

frustrating effect 破坏性影响

Fuji Bank Limited 富士银行

full cost price 十足成本价

full member 正式会员;正式成员

full open market price 十足公开市价

full price 十足价格

full year 全年

full year cost 全年经费;全年费用

fully deductible 可全数扣税

fully secured 有十足抵押

fund 基金;资金

fund accounting basis 基金会计基准

fund credited 记入基金

fund expenditure 基金开支

fund levy 基金征费

fund management 基金管理

fund of funds 综合基金

fund revenue 基金收入

fund warrant 基金支付令

funded debt 长期债款;长期借款

funding 经费;资金

funding cost 集资成本

funding mismatch 资金错配

funds employed 运用资金额

funeral expenses 殡殓费

further sum 额外款项

future dividend 未来股息

future earnings 未来入息

future expenses 未来开支

futures broker 期货经纪

futures contract 期货合约

futures dealer 期货交易商

futures market 期货市场

futures trading 期货交易

gain 收益;增益

garnishee order 债权扣押令

general crossing 普通划线

general expenses 一般开支

general fund 普通基金

general ledger 总分类账

general levy 一般征款

general partner 普通合伙人

general partnership 普通合伙

general policy 一般保单

general proxy 一般委托书

general rates 一般差饷

general reserve 一般储备金

general warrant 普通拨款令

gilt-edged investment 稳当投资

gilt-edged securities 金边证券

global allocation 总拨款;拨款总额

global costing 整体成本计算法

go private 私有化;私营化

go public 上市

godown warrant 仓单

gold 黄金

gold bullion 金条;黄金

gold bullion market 黄金市场

gold coin 金币

gold coin coupon 金币配给券

gold futures 黄金期货;期金

gold market 黄金市场

gold on paper 黄金券

gold, silver and platinum held in physical form 实金、实银及实白金

gold standard 金本位;金本位制

good book debt 可收回的账面债项

good delivery 合格交货;合格交割

good year 丰年

goodwill 商誉;信誉

government bond 政府债券

government expenditure 政府开支

government lotteries 政府奖券

Government rent 地税;地租

government reserve 政府储备

government revenue 政府收入

government utility 政府公用事业

graduated rate 渐进税率

grant 补助金;拨款

grantor 授予人

gratuitous payment 赏金

gratuity 酬金

gratuity benefit 酬金福利

grey market 暗盘市场;灰市;暗市

grey market trading 暗盘交易

gross amount 毛额

gross claim 申索毛额

gross claim paid 已偿付申索毛额

gross contract value 合约总值

gross margin 毛利

gross margining 总额保证金制度

gross premium 毛保费;保费总额

gross principal value 基本价值总额

gross proceeds 总收益

gross profit 毛利;溢利总额

gross receipt 总收入

gross return 总收益

gross trading income 营业总收入

group account 集团账目

group tax relief 集团税项宽减

growth momentum 增长劲力

growth movement 增长趋势

growth path 增长线;增长途径

growth with stability 稳步增长

guarantee 担保;保证

guarantee corporation 保证法团

guarantee fund 保证基金;担保基金

Guarantee Law 《担保法》

guaranteed benefit 保证利益

healthy financial position 财政稳健;财政健全

heavy trading 交投畅旺

healthy reserve 充裕储备金;充裕准备金

hedger 对冲者

hedged position margin 用作对冲的合约按金

hedging 对冲;套戥;套期保值

hedging portfolio 对冲组合

hedging tool 套戥工具

hedging transaction 对冲交易

hot money 热钱;游资

hotel accommodation tax 酒店房租税

hotels sectorial index 酒店分类指数

hotels sub-index 酒店分类指数

household expenditure 住户开支

Household Expenditure Survey 住户开支统计调查

household income 家庭收入;住户收入

household wealth 家庭财富

illegal loan 不合法贷款

immovable property 不动产

immunity 豁免权;免除责任

implied indemnity 隐含弥偿

import and export trade 进出口贸易

import demand 进口需求

import duty 进口税

import price 进口价格

imposition of tax 课税;征税

improper investment 不当投资

imputed cost 推算成本;设算成本

imputed price 估算价格

in absolute terms 按绝对价值计算

in custody of firm 商号保管

in debt 负债

in denomination of... 以……为单位

in money terms 按货币计算

in net terms 按净额计算

in nominal terms 按名义价值计算

in real terms 按实值计算

in relative terms 按相对价值计算

in value terms 按价值计算

inactive warrant 不活跃认股权证

inchoate instrument 不完整的票据

incidence of taxation 纳税负担

incidental expenses 杂项开支

incidental outlay 附带开支

income 入息;收入;收益

income approach 入息计算法

income band 入息组别

income group 入息组别

income level 入息水平

income limit 入息限额

income payment 收益付款

income spectrum 入息组别

income tax 入息税;所得税

income threshold 入息限额

incomplete return 未填妥的报税表

incorporated accountant 注册会计师

incorporation 注册成立

incremental value 增值;递增价值

incumbrance 产权负担

indebtedness 负债;债项;负债额

indemnify 弥偿

indemnity 弥偿;弥偿保证

indemnity clause 弥偿损失条款

indent 委托采购单;代购订单

indenture 双联契约

independent audit 独立审计

index bond 指数债券

index futures 指数期货;期指

index futures contract 指数期货合约

interest 利息;权益;利益

interest arbitrage 利息套汇

interest charges 利息收费

interest coupon 利息券;息票

interest expenses 利息支出

interest in contract 合约权益

interest in expectancy 预期权益

interest in securities 证券权益

interest in shares 股份权益

interest income 利息收入

interest on loan 贷款利息

interest paid in advance 预付利息

interest rate effect 利率效应

interest rate futures 利率期货

interest rate margin 利率差距

interest rate swap 利率掉期

interest rate trend 利率走势

interest spread 利率差距

interest tax 利息税

interest-bearing account 有息账户

interest-bearing balance 有息结余

interest-free 无息的;免息的

interest-free loan 免息贷款

inter-exchange dealing 越所买卖