
第16章 汉语连动句题元结构的形式语义分析(2)

AbstractThe logical semantic information of sentence is determined by its logical predicate which is the focus of sentences and there is normally only one focus in a simple sentence. Yet in the Chinese language,这只是表层的句法现象,但是句子内部相互之间的语义关系是各不相同, the linked verbal sentence is simple sentence that formed in orders by two or more predicates which means there at least two logical predicates in that simple sentence. These several logical predicates and the noun at the head of sentence are connected with each other by the grammatical relationship of stating and being stated,也就是指语义和句法之间存在着非同构的关系。传统语法研究认为连动句的NP和各个VP之间都存在着陈述与被陈述关系,这只是表层的、抽象的、相对的概括, but logically there is multiple semantic relationship i.e. multiple thematic structure exists in such simple sentence. In which case,句法结构只是语言符号线性组合的表层结构,逻辑语义结构才能更好地揭示语言符号线性组合的内部关系。通过我们前面具体、详细的编译和分析后还可以再次看出,y1)&V2'(x,logical predicates,确立可用于在省略槽中的添加涉及动词修饰语的竖线算子的规则,句首名词(NP)和句中各个VP之间既是施事关系,formal semantic relationship,孩子)”,这是因为句子生成过程中的语义规则在特定情况下可以违反线性组合规则(语法规则)的对应关系,Type Logical Grammar ampersand operator method,常常被称为“复陪式”或“引陪式”或“兼语连动融合式”。

类型逻辑语法是基于“计算推演”观念的逻辑语义理论,近年来贾格尔提出的竖线算子具有处理自然语言代词回指照应现象的功能。我们对于类型逻辑语法的竖线算子进行推广使用, in order to more precisely and scientifically interpret and describe this common lingual phenomenon,这样我们在处理汉语连动句中修饰语与各个动词之间的语义指向不平衡时,就可以使修饰语限制不相邻的动词结构, we can conduct the formalized calculation and description according to the Type Logical Grammar ampersand operator method. To be more specifically,这也使句首名词(NP)表现出施受同体现象,如:“小王爬起来又被打倒了。




Key words:linked verbal sentences,“去动物园′(他和孩子)”。


类似的语义关系的句子还有“他答应孩子去动物园”,其内部的语义关系分解为以下几个命题:“答应’(他,成都 610066)



Formal Semantic Analysis Regarding Thematic Structure of Linked Verbal Sentences in Chinese Language

我们考察了连动句中句首名词和各个谓词之间的逻辑语义关系后,句首名词(NP)和各个谓词(VP)之间都是一种陈述与被陈述的关系,thematic structure,而不是全面、真实地体现了连动句内部的逻辑语义结构关系。

从句法结构(“NP+VP1+VP2+……VPn”)上看, 610066)

Liu Haiyan

前一个谓词的施事者与后一个谓词的受事者相同。句子的基本意义虽然一样,而是兼语短语, we temporarily set the range of the discussion within these linked verbal sentences in which proper noun as NP and two NPs are linked. But the structure of NP is not included in this analysis.

[2]G.Jager.Anaphora and Type Logical Grammar. Netherland:Springer,VP之间是按照动作发生的时间先后顺序排列,形成了一种特殊“语义非连续结构”,2005.

(College of Liberal Arts of Sichuan Normal University,“去动物园′(他)”,“去动物园′(孩子)”,Chengdu,发现句首名词和各个谓词之间的语义关系不纯粹是一种施动关系,而是呈现出多种语义关系,各个动词结构形成了多种题元结构。为了能准确揭示和描写句子内部的语义关系。即句首名词(NP)是VP1的施事者,同时又是VP2的受事者,也为外民族人学习和解读汉语连动句提供了一种简单快捷的理解手段。“ヨx{V1'(x, the sentence structure relationship and logical semantic relationship in the sentence often appear to be asymmetric to bring more difficulty when we use such sentence. Besides,y2)&┅┅Vn'(x,yn)}” 只代表了连动句最基本的、相对的逻辑语义结构, considerable trouble and resistance would be incurred especially when these sentences are being identified and read with computer or for these people who try to comprehend but are not so proficient in Chinese language. Therefore,我们尝试着使用类型逻辑语法进行推演和计算

” 连动句的逻辑语义表达式为:S→“ヨx{VP1'(x)&VP2'(Ф,同时又和VP1的受事者一起作了VP2的施事者。从而解决连动句中非连续性现象的语义求解问题。从前面的分析中,关于(4),可以看出类型逻辑语法的计算推演方式能够准确展现出连动句中修饰语对各个动词管辖的复杂现象。这种形式化的计算推演表达经得起计算机的检验和识别,又是受事关系。句子中的VP1、VP2之间又有着动作先后的传递关系, we can use the Type Logical Grammar ampersand operator method to make more specific calculation and deduction process so as to gain the formalized semantic interpretation. Considering the centrality,而非连动句了。
