
第10章 成功的DNA密码 (9)

The only way our dreams can come true, is when we start doing something about it. Start with a baby step, one tiny step after another. With time, you will be amazed by how far you had gone. The more steps you take in the direction of your dreams, the bolder you become. Soon you start seeing shafts of light at the end of the tunnel. The closer you get, the more feasible it becomes. Gradually, your fears begin to ebb away. Taking the first step is a scary business. You can determine the magnitude and direction of that first step. Some folks take the bull by the horn, quit their day jobs, and go for it. Others keep their day jobs, and moonlight at sun down, till they get to the point they can comfortably fire their boss. For others still, it means a change of career.

Whichever route you take to the land of your dreams, the starting point is waking up, and doing something. Then keep on keeping on. It is only a matter of time. You will get there.













1. We all have__, deep inside... those moments__ we take a voyage in our imagination, into a world where everything was__, a world where fear is a strange concept, limits are non-existent and we are at__ with ourselves.

2. Our dreams simply don’t come__ because we keep on sleeping after__. We don’t wake up, get out of , and do__ about it. The best dreams come to__ when you are awake.

3. The__ way our dreams can come true, is when we__ doing something about it. Start with a baby__, one tiny step after another. With time, you will be amazed by how far you had gone. The more steps you take in the__ of your dreams, the bolder you become.


1. 假如你一定能成功的话,你敢于尝试些什么呢?


2. 每个全新的一天都好像让我们距离梦想越来越远。


3. 无论你选择哪条道路去实现梦想,起点都是醒来,并做些什么,然后继续坚持下去。



1. Why are we stuck in jobs we hate, held bound by the fear of the unknown, if we dare to stand up and walk away?

walk away:离去;走开


2. Sometimes we get so caught up in the rat race; our dreams seem like a distant memory.

catch up:赶上;把……缠住



How to Make Your Dreams Come True

佚名 / Anonymous

Years after Disneyland was built, after the completion of Walt Disney World, the story goes that someone went up to Mike Vance, Director for Walt Disney Studios and said, “Isn’t it too bad Walt Disney didn’t live to see this?” Without pausing, he replied, “But he did see it, that’s why it’s here.”

If any outside figure influenced my life early on, it was Walt Disney. Maybe because when I was five, my favorite uncle took me to a wondrous new place called Disneyland. Maybe because I grew up in Southern California, visiting it every year or two, watching a man’s vision come to life and grow. Or maybe because I learned that “when you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are.” Growing up on the Wonderful World of Disney, I learned how to dream.

In my experience wishing and hoping are poor strategies for making dreams come true, yet that’s how many people approach work, often surprised at their results. They wish they could make more money. They hope they’ll get promoted or offered a more interesting job. They wish someone would notice how hard they work. They hope the work environment improves, their boss comes to his or her senses, the problem goes away or someone else solves it.

Their chance of winning at working is right up there with becoming a millionaire on Las Vegas slots or holding the winning lottery ticket. And while it’s not true the ostrich hides in the sand, many of us do, wondering why we never land our dreams. Olympic athletics don’t get that way by wishing and hoping. Nor do great musicians, actors, chefs, architects, teacher, lawyers, parents or business people. And I know I’ll never get my first book published by wishing it so.

Dreams can come true, but there is a secret. They’re realized through the magic of persistence, determination, commitment, passion, practice, focus and hard work. They happen a step at a time, manifested over years, not weeks. While wishing and hoping makes you a dreamer, acting and doing makes you someone who can turn dreams into reality. Want your work dreams to come true? Make them.


